Tales From Switch City: Zach's Tale

These events are called reality shifts, and occur quite often, yet most people don't even notice it, for many timelines are quite similar.

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Aviary Aerial

**AVIAN AERIAL -** **By Fleeks Sputtelspecht** _Edited by / with suggestions from: Dove (Floofcheeks), SkiesOfSilver, Xenastra_ _FAIR WARNING:_ _This story contains TFTG, Eggs, and loss of self! Also Birds. But you like birds. Who...

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Reality Adjustment Firm

He was the candidate to undergo the new reality shift technology that could change a person in ways they could hardly comprehend. it defied the laws of physics to be able to do what the machines would do but then again the world is a crazy place.

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 7

Alex grins as his artifical eye begins to glow "reality shift!" he yells as he turns into human form. he holds his hand up as a sword appears in his hand and he grins "it wont end the same way pinkamena, im going to bring you down for good."

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Henry Rider: Clown Hunter, Chapter Five

reality shifted around me again, as if i were inside a giant glass box that mimicked everything i did to the escher cube. mcgus' head slid smoothly off his neck as the top part of the larger cube rotated around me until he was glaring at my back.

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1st Nightmare- Candy

\* \* (branching, continuum fracture detected) \* \* \* \* (reality shift, temporal shift)  

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Tales From Switch City: Jimmy's Tale

Because the walls of reality were so thin in switch city, there was a phenomenon known as a reality shift where people crossed between the different universes all the time. with his newest invention, he could force a reality shift to happen on purpose.

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The video started with a blank wall. A tall, buff unicorn sat down in front of the camera and adjusted himself a bit to fit everything in view. "hi. Um... my name's Zach. At least, that's what it is here. We're not supposed to be like this. ok, um, let...

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Live Patching

. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* in the hub city of pharrix, the streets were one vast orgy as again and again the game's reality shifted as yet more changes were made beyond those to the clothing and the unstoppable, unquenchable physical arousal of the players themselves

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Chapter Two: It's Not What You Know

Upon bringing his arm down, hunter's reality shifted to his room where the husky noted a familiar hardness resting against his midsection. he smiled briefly as he stretched and casually let a paw brush over the bump under the covers.

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Equestrian Stories Book 1 Chapter 8

"reality shift!" alex yells as he runs toward her, his body so badly beaten and broken its a surprise hes even moving, but his sheer will power alone is making him move and he erects a barrier to protect him and luna.

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Blurring the Lines - Part 1

Thank you for purchasing the reality-shift _brand augmented and virtual-reality glasses. we've built them to your measurements and specifications. please read through the enclosed instruction manual **thoroughly** before use.

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