To Wolf down a Wolf

The wolf was now entering the dragon's belly and could see the stomach acids that would put it to sleep, he slowly entered the reptile's stomach while the wyvern outside enjoyed the last seconds with his food, now the only parts of the wolf outside were the

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Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast

He yowled briefly as stomach acids eroded his snout; she swallowed then, a dominating cascade of peristalsis that plunged him into an acid bath strong enough to melt steel, vague nebulae of bear rippling around him as he thrashed once, then stilled...

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An Unexpected End

Surprisingly to him the journey down her throat was more pleasant than he expected, but that train of thought wise derailed as he landed in her stomach acids.

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To Wolf Down a Wolf

The wolf was now entering the dragon's belly and could see the stomach acids that would put it to sleep, he slowly entered the reptile's stomach while the wyvern outside enjoyed the last seconds with his food, now the only parts of the wolf outside were the

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The Chase

After gulp and gulp as she pushed pumba back paws into her mouth and few more gulps down her hungry mouth and into her waiting stomach making a splash in her stomach acids.

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Betrayal of Siblings

He nearly vomited then, his stomach acid burning the back of his throat a bit before he battled it back down and swallowed the heart. he panted heavily and whined loudly, not meeting her eyes. "i'm s-sorry, sister." "shut up.

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A little payback part 2

Soon he was traveling down into setsons stomach, falling in the stomach acids. setson smiled a little, lying down and patting his belly, satisfied with his meal.

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"Balto" The hero, The legend, and The Rapist Part 3 ( Balto's Punishment)

," balto cried out once again in deep despair, as the pool of stomach acids rose up higher, claiming more of him .

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Hakubi's Influence and Madarao's meal

His skin felt like it was on fire, as the stomach acid began to make quick work of him, and it was all the more painful for him as madarao transformed back into his small form again.

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Link and Sidon do the Thing [Vore]

"wow, that was pretty great" said link, lying back in the water to wash the stomach acid off himself. "i bet it was more fun than the time the octorok ate me" said sidon, with a chuckle. "yeah, we should do that again." said link.

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Beware the Werewood Part 3: The Reckoning

His cum from earlier had also diluted what little stomach acid there was to the point where, up until now, it had not been a problem for his human mate. that was starting to change though.

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Attack of the Voracious Were Furret

** a powerful gulp pressed saul's head into the stomach, leaving it dangling precariously over an actively-gurgling sea of stomach acid.

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