Video #2

Warning: There is extreme violence and even death in this story. If these are triggers of yours DO NOT READ IT! Local news: There have been some strange reports of two unexplained deaths. The first was Mira Jenkins, a twenty year old raccoon, killed...

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Video #1

Warning: There is extreme violence and even death in this story. If these are triggers of yours DO NOT READ IT! The lights darken and a soft chime echoes through the room calling the patrons to their seats. A deep male voice comes over the speakers,...

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SY 04 - Actions and Consequences

Still distracted by his confrontation with Duke last night Kris didn't pay much attention to where he was going as he walked into the boy's locker room. He didn't display any outward signs of the frustration and anger he was feeling as he stowed his...

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SY 06 -The Play is the Thing.

Kittara was waiting outside the auditorium when Kris came down the hall from his hour with the counselor. "Oh thank goodness you're here! I was starting to think we needed to get together a rescue party! Was she horrible? Did she ask you all kinds of...

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Lesson #1

"Hey man you got a minute?" MythicFox the digital editor for his videos asked as he rounded the corner toward his dressing room. "Sure what's up?" His tentacles coiled and shifted around on his back a little, partly in anticipation of going home and...

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SY 05 - Daddy's boy

Tentatively, Kris knocked on the door with "Counselor" engraved in black on a brass plaque centered in the wood. He held his breath for a few moments and let it out slowly after hearing a soft "Come in" from the other side before he could make his paw...

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Freshman Year: Chapter 2 - Swim team tryout

Kris fingered the little slip of paper again, listening to the crinkle and watching the bold writing shift in the light. He'd taken extra care with his appearance today, wearing one of the new tailored school uniforms that his mother had had delivered...

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Freshmen Year: Chapter 1 - First day at a new school.

Chapter 1 - First day at a new school A black suburban vehicle pulled up to the curb and spat out a tall rangy figure, dressed in black from his head to his hindpaws, with dark gray hair that hung down to cover most of his brown eyes. The black and...

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SY 03 - A Trio of Trouble

Jerome spotted Rocket from across the room and sent a message to the closest bouncer, Janice, to bring him to the bar. Within a few moments the raccoon was standing leaning against the wood looking expectantly at him. "Rocket, that regular of yours,...

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SY 02 - Advice

The whole school was abuzz the next morning with news of who made the swim team and who didn't. The full list was posted outside Coach O'Brien's office for everyone to see. Swim Team **Girls** Albrecht, Brynn Foxworthy, Kittara Gavin,...

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SY 01 - Here we are again

The first day of school dawned clear and perfectly, with not a cloud in the sky. It was an affront to the students who unwillingly trudged toward the large grey stone building. Kris, having returned to his father's apartment the Friday before, was...

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JY 5 - Meeting Clawdia

"What do you know about this boy Kris has been hanging out with, Vincent?" Clawdia's voice crackled through the comm. There was no hello, no pleasent build up; Clawdia as usual got straight to the point and asked the hard questions. "It's all he can...

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