Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 4

Two months had passed since Eric's first day of middle school. As he expected, he had learned to enjoy his sixth grade year. Though recess was gone, it was replaced by classes that were far more enriching to him, like creative writing, swimming and...

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 3

**AUTHOR'S NOTE: "Highway to Hell" is by AC/DC** Eric was deep in sleep when he felt the large, brawny paws of his older brother Lars rousing him. Blinking his eyes, he grumbled groggily, turning his head to look at his alarm clock. It was only 6:00...

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 2

**AUTHOR'S NOTE: As Eric is lying in his bed listening to his iPod, the song that's playing is "I Want To Disappear" by Marilyn Manson. I was listening to that song when writing this, and thought the last line suited the scene very well.** ...

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Always Bring Along Your Little Sister - Part 1

An eleven year old lion walked into the backdoor of his home. He'd been playing outside for a few hours that day since it was a beautiful summer day. Reaching down, he untied his shoes, which were now caked in mud, courtesy of the rain from yesterday,...

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The Raccoons: The Contest

Summer vacation was finally here for all the young animals of The Evergreen Forest, and no creature was happier than Bentley Raccoon. Not only had the young raccoon received straight As the entire school year, but he was now looking forward to a summer...

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To Train Up a Champion - Part 3

After Ian's display of poor sportsmanship at his final amateur bout, the mood at the McGregor household was one of tension. As ordered by his father, Martin, Ian was forced to address the entire crowd at the gym, apologizing for his poor sportsmanship...

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Spring Break - Part 2

Try as he might, Jeff still couldn't completely get over the fact that he was at home, and not in Tahiti with his now ex-boyfriend Lazlo. He had been looking forward to the trip for months, and when the lion dumped him that Friday, the day before they...

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Spring Break - Part 1

The last hour of school was always the a long one. It was worse when it was Friday, and you could almost taste the weekend, but the worst was the last hour of school on a Friday before a vacation. Plenty of the students at Woodrow High School sat at...

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The Things You Do For a Fender Telecaster

A large tiger unlocked the door at "Malcolm's Music Metropolis". He wasn't looking forward to this morning. Sure it was Saturday and he would rather be in bed right now, but even the fact that it was Saturday wasn't what really bothered him. He turned...

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The Fire Down Below - Part 1

"Yeah, it happens out in Vegas happens in Moline On the blue blood streets of Boston Up in Berkeley and out in Queens And it went on yesterday and it's going on tonight Somewhere there's somebody ain't treatin' somebody right" Bob Seger - "The...

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The Fire Down Below - Story Fragment

_"Yeah, it happens out in Vegas happens in Moline On the blue blood streets of Boston Up in Berkeley and out in Queens And it went on yesterday and it's going on tonight Somewhere there's somebody ain't treatin' somebody right"_ Bob...

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Reynard Malone: Quadruple Homicide - Part 3

As soon as Stan and I had gotten dressed, we headed back to the Franklin Housing Project where the four murders had taken place earlier that day. It had been no surprise to me that we'd received no real cooperation from the tenants there. Many of the...

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