Solipsism VI

I decided to set it aside, thinking it was probably some extraneous digivolution code. besides, it's fur color. hardly affects performance.

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Solipsism IV

I can add functions, powers, abilities, hell, even full-on digivolutions. this gives us an insane edge... but..." i turned to her. "i have to know, are you okay with that? i mean, it would benefit you, but i'd be changing you at the core.

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Vengeance Set 2 (6-10)

De-digivolution! he sliced kyushamanmon x across the back, who cried out. then he de-digivolved into a gigimon and scampered off. kyushamanmon x blacked out but not before one final scan.

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 8 We Have A Problem...

I don't know, all my digivolutions have happened in rage but if...] michael closed his eyes and focused, he didnt even think that the kuzuhamon would attack him.

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The Silver Renomon series chapter 4

On the holo-display the word digivolution is shown just before a blinding white light is emitted from the d-arc aimed straight at the cabin.

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Through the Mirror

At the back stood a figure he immediately recognized; and if he had any hairs on his neck they would have stood straight up, it was flamedramon, his first armored digivolution.

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The Fire Bar Day 1, Part 2

It was adorable to flamedramon, particularly how much it contrasted from how digitamamon had been at the same digivolution. flamedramon teased his hand along goblimon's inner thigh, up to his loin cloth.

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Veemon's Fiery Lover

Once in the digital world there lived a wandering veemon who was on a quest since he was a mere demiveemon, he was on a search for more digimon like him or other digivolution forms of himself.

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Jay and Ren Chapter 1: Myna's license

The card was black greymon it was a champion level digimon and the digivolution of black agumon. it was a virus type digimon. i studied it before shoving it into my deck and walking up to the counter to pay for myna and i's cards.

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Just a Game? - Chapter 6

"bio merge digivolution activated," a voice coming from my digivice said. i felt my body getting pulled towards infinimon and get pulled inside. i could hear and feel everything infinimon could.

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Chapter 16: Recovery

"and thus it was called digivolution or digivolve." al concludes the explanation. "but i was digivolved, i turned into what?" "well if you're an agumon then you turned into greymon." rapidmon answered his question.

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Digiherm Evolution

The sequence which is normally involved with renamon's most powerful digivolution is being powered by the energy of this sexual union. and as renamon reaches hir climax inside of rika, a blinding white light consumes them both.

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