Spyro and the Sun God: Chapter 10

#36 was fighting over the big banana pile in the container, "hey gimme that!" "no way! mine!"

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chapter 2

"hey harry! jasmine greeted him as he walked in." "hey jasmine." "how was last night after you went home?" "it got a lot better thanks to danny." "good! so are you going to come to my meet this friday?"


The Adventures of Ernest: Totaru Tales

"hey totaru. what goes on?" ernest tried to find out who he was talking to. \*yo ernest. you awake?\* ernest smiled. \*oh. hey jin.\* ernest said opening his telepathic connection. jin smiled and began to open his locker. "hey ernest? can jin come over?"

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It's Fate

"hey lance, why's your daddy a wolf but you're a white fox?" toby asked. "well, he's not my real daddy, i never knew my real parents." lance said. "ooooh, i get it, hey, let's go on the swings!" toby said, forgetting about his question entirely.

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Bunny Love: Chapter 11

Rose: hey...hey blake, we never told them...we never told them how we evolved yet. blake: \*drunk laugh\* oh, that was the best... gabe: how did it...how did it happen?

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Furries University Chapter 4: What's this now?

"you guys actually wonder why you're alone too" spoke kitsune "hey ryu, jayson you guys seem so alike you should get together".

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Hauke und Lukas

Als er in den eingangsflur trat rief er,, hey bin wieder da" „hey hauke wie war´s in der schule?"

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Chapter One - Dog Fight

"hey man who are you talking to?" someone asked as they approached us. "me." cammy said. "he's talking to me." "my dog." kevin said, smiling. "hey, do you by any chance know where the pc is?" "the pc?" he asked. "what pc?

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Ch 1. The Beginning

"hey us to !" carl and stephen both yelled but not to loud then they all laughed.

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Jenna balto And steel

This is my first one so i'm not very good at it it's a short story cause i messed up but hope you like what i wrote its about steele raping jenna and jenna comes back for more and more hey jenna hey steele hey jenna how would you like to have lunch with me


End of the World as We Know It

Aidan glanced around searching for a distraction, and soon found one, "hey look! ryan's back!" he shouted, pointing at a figure walking quickly toward the school building. "hey ryan!" leo shouted and waved.

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Growing Up Gay In Highschool: Book 1:

(carlos) - "hey dude i'm home from work, are you awake you lazy wolf" (regis) - "oh hey there, yeah i am how was work?"

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