The Simple Things. Chapter Ten.

"you're not like a hipster are you?" i dared to ask. he quirked is head to one side and lifted an eyebrow. "what's a hispter?" and i wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not. i just laughed it off and let bygones be bygones.

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Father and Son

A well tanned hipster stood on the street corner wearing a short sleeved white shirt with a purple scarf, his black hair shaggy and his black frame glasses unnecessarily thick. it was something, but mason wasn't in the mood for a hipster.

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Gothfield (BBW, Stuffing, Hot-dogging)

#2 of other that damn gothfield is such a hipster, putting on so much weight.

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Measuring Up

"you're such a fake hipster. i'll bet you say you hate undertale too." "shut up. i don't hate it, it's just way too derivative of games like mother 2 to be worthy of any real attention!" "holy shit, mother 2?

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Tony the Tamer - September Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

He had a gaudy diamond earring in his left ear, hipster tinted glasses that only partially obscured the color of his coal dark eyes and a suit that would have been a better fit in a mortuary than in a talent agent's office.

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Alphys' Modern Life: Camera Shy (Chapter 6)

And of course, the video's premiere was being shown in an otherwise unassuming rec room down in the basement of the mtt resort, with beatniks and hipsters rapidly filling the tables.

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8.50 Plus Tips

It's always a young hipster type that always comes up with these sort of places, don't they? he was finishing up whatever conversation he was having over the phone when he happily waved in brock and dustin.

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A Special Delivery

At first he'd thought that it would be some sort of richy-rich snob's gated community, but while the outer walls were well maintained, inside it looked more like a farming commune than some bougie hipster paradise.

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The Sad But True Ch.3 (Johnny's)

He was a hipster meets athletic hybrid. he and daren went way back. in their company i felt like a bit of a third wheel but it was still better than my old social activities which were solitary at best.

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Bastards! Chapter 1 - Meet the Freak on the Leash

We're opening for some hipster band this saturday at 9, so try not too get too fucked up on fridaaaoooahh!!" by this point, i was so over my hangover i had picked the little flea-picker up and was spinning him around in the middle of the caff.

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I Do You, You Do Me

Alex rumbled to the fox he had pinned against the wall of the little guy's living room, kind of a hipster little place, with posters and sitting cushions on the floor and a gramophone.

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Random Rabbit Shorts - Jimmy's Start

My neighbor, ronny, a white mouse no taller than i am and the local suburban douchecanoe, wearing those dumb thick-rimmed "hipster" glasses that i _swear_ he didn't even need to wear, was leaning against my white fence, his pink tail swishing behind him as

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