That's So Us
The mouse shook his head and explained, "all small towns in the midwest claim to have 'historic' main streets. it's not technically true. it's just code for 'this place is old, show some respect'."
An intresting offer
On the cover was my book: the earl of hunaway, a historical fiction that did not sell that well. granted, i did take a very beloved historical figure and kind of aired the more unsavory bits of him to the world to see.
[SFW] Squirrelly Days #016 - Yineh
Demoron: indeed, historically speaking since the establishment of the farmers coalition ankarok has only had an average of five new rammu per ten cycles, and before us there had been two historically low cycles in a row where there were only two new rammu
Issues of Utopia
There is, in the current condition of the united states, a fairly even amount of poverty for all "races" of people, but because of the overall historical social-economic reputation of "blacks" and minorities we will always be view in such a way.
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The grand park in the heart of the town, the third largest such park in the world, holds a large number of bronze statues of great historical figures. many other historical buildings have been restored and maintained to preserve the history.
The Last Good Thing - Universe Pilot
When necessary or deemed appropriate, this author will reference/quote/provide legitimate reference to source material in the event of the use of something that is not of everyday use in writing (for example: a country name or historical event reference wont
Innocent Turquoise - Study Buddy
"yeah, i just have the historical part to do." "you know the historical is optional right?" "optional? you mean we don't _have_ to do it?" millie looked at turquoise inquisitively. "that's usually what optional means."
Zion - Light of the New Moon (Pre-Start 1/3)
The story of myrh's second delegation sent to zion will be told with attention to "historical accuracy", covering important events in the party's travel.
Night of the Living Dead
The first speaker was rising to the podium, and off we went into our historical diatribes and ramblings.
The Headsman and The Pianist: Rains in Africa
Hello everyone, I know that this isn't the next chapter of Events of an Uneventful Freshman year, but I hope that you enjoy it anyway. I wrote this just to take a little break from that series. I probably won't be able to post anything this upcoming...
Ein Wolf in der Falz - A Wolf in the Fold
While other countries snubbed his efforts to keep the peace in this historically turbulent area, he fought on. for his country. for his mate. _william_. he had not seen the coyote in almost six months.
Lion Tamer - P7
# Seven: The Slave Market The day was busy and market day was one of the biggest reasons for this, in town there was hardly anywhere to move and it meant many of the rich had themselves carried about on a litter to avoid the dirt upon the...