Kidnapped Dream

Usually an exhilarating brush with death made her feel hyped and ready for a night on the town. all this had done was bring back confusing memories of the augmentation process.


We Must

Or how you saw them interacting very passionately on social media with someone who you really didn't get the hype for. their interactions reminded you of the way you two used to flirt and play in public, and in private.

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NFTs (Non-Functional Testicles)

"no offense, tep, but this just seems like a whole lot of empty hype, you know?" "nononono. see, you just don't get it yet. the bustchain is the future!"

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A Pleasant Present (part 1)

Maybe it's the over-the-top grandeur of it all, or that drawn out, hyped anticipation of celebrating something i still don't fully understand. i don't know, it always feels fake. forced.

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Raiyev Part 9

"they don't pay us enough here to worry about hype from the media." "but they do pay us enough to make us sign a legal contract about secrecy of what goes on here," thomas argued. "whatever," the rabbit sighed, giving in.


Sigole, Roy's distraction.

For all his work in the academy and the hype surrounding the guards of the many, his pay sure was shitty. he sat next to the large doors, his ears wiggling as he inhaled through his nose.

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The Tales of Anon: part seven

Jane said seriously hyped up. **and so the remainder of the drive was spent with me answering questions from jane and mrs. valomar until we arrived back at the house.** "honey, we're home, hurry down! we have important news!" mrs.

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Fighting off the Jet-Lag

He'd been hyping this visit up for a while. maybe over hyping it. though they were both to blame for that. he was trying not to think about the previous conversations they'd had, the "i can't wait to"s and "when i see you, we're gonna"s.

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No one likes to go first

The only problem was if maverick lost, all the hype over a human would evaporate, and the number of attendees would probably drop like a rock. on the flip side, it would certainly make the job of coordinating all the ponies much easier.

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Wildstar Chronicles - Cubs of Wildstar Elementary Ch. 1

At this point, the arcade fell silent, save for the sound of the 'clash' sounds of paddle meeting puck, over and over again, and the sounds of the video announcer giving some occasional words of hype.

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A leap of Faith

As we searched the garden for the object of my desire, the hype i had at the entrance died down. what was once a flame of passion was quickly turning into embers.

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