Happy Anniversary - Chapter 4

It took jordan a few seconds to register that phrase.

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Spirited Away on Saint Patrick’s Day: Chapter 1: A Bit of Backstory and the Start of Saint Patrick’s Day

No the reason jordan's mom left was and still is a mystery. however jordan's dad said he'd always expected her to eventually leave and that he'd just wished she'd stayed longer.

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Virgin Virus: The Demon Maker

." - ricky commented, looking at jordan's semi-hard penis. - "i have some right here, you know." - jordan waggled his piece to jordan's staring eyes.

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On the farm...

And then jordan stepped up close, pressing his fat belly against the other spanish male's back; jay could feel the tip of jordan's prick prodding his rump as jordan played with his tail.** ** ** **"heh yeah i'm in my breeding prime and my doc sez i

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A little Something Different, Part 7, part 2

jordan put a paw to my bottom, then slid his paw in between my legs. i moaned, feeling him squeeze my cock for a brief moment. then he pulled my bottom up, and i wiggled to raise my rear in the air. "good boy," jordan said.

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A little Something Different, Part 5, part 2

My cum shot from my length in hot waves, and jordan punished me with his rough, hard fucking. but he was getting close to. "come on baby," i moaned. "come on!" "oh yeah," jordan grunted. "come on!"

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Back to school 11

Killan panted, as he past brayden off to a big brahma bull who waved a thanx to jordan...

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The Blessed event

Brady answered, clearly excited that jordan had agreed to come visit with him and his wife. "ammm... well yeah of course... i would love to get to know you better ahem jordan."

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Its a deal

Ty whimpered slightly as jordan mused about taking his huge nuts, but the well used hog didn't really look unhappy. jordan grinned broadly at jays begging, and snorted in lust as his long cock sprang back up stiffly.

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In Service 3

The young red bull watched jordan's smile widen, and he felt a flash of anger. "yeah... yeah i wanta see it for myself..." jordan nodded, and put his plate in the sink. "come on up to my room."

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A princely Gift # 22

Brayden greeted, as he watched jordan lead the new human girl into the room. jordan's keen bovine nose could smell the female's interest, even if she was playing coy.

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Snow Daze

"you are not jordan, miss everett, but good job anyways. jordan i want you paying attention, this will... be on the test." "sorry mr." jordan picked his chair up amidst snickers. "anyways..." the teacher continued.

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