Sweetening The Deal - Part 1

karen had a good idea of what he was going to say, but didn't press him for the information. "so, what do you think of the bass?" asked karen. "very nice," said arthur.

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Chapter 3

Staring at the now terrified karen, she relaxed and apologised. "oh, sorry karen. natural reflex, i come from a dangerous layer, so i'm really cautious. what do you want?"

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an endless voyage ch 44

Hearing that gave karen pause. sarafina was one of her and maya's newborn daughters they'd made together. "this is chief karen, vice admiral of the avenging aces." karen replied. "how may we be of assistance?"

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A lonely kitty

karen" she said while grapping karens small but soft breats they both groaned a bit with one hand sharon played with karens breats while she licked her pussy "mmmm ahhh" it came from karen when sharon put her tounge as long in her as she could karen began

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A Leopard's Tail Ch 8

It was pretty obvious that karen and peter were something of a couple. "so, why do you look so glum?" lauren asked, looking at karen's face.

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 1

Joseph held karen in his arms, both paws on her hips and circling around to her stomach before locking his padded-fingers. "that was... i have no words... i...i... karen..."

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Love and Latte's: A Bunny's Bounty - Episode 1

karen knew a little self-defense martial arts but nothing to get her out of a situation with three predators all having a large size advantage on her and surrounding her to boot! 'fuck... okay, okay be cool, karen.

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an endless voyage ch 39

"ah'll let karen explain that one." maya said. "thank you, admiral." karen said, beginning her presentation.

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Die Role - Ch 4

karen replied. === karen slept fitfully. when the sun rose on monday, she was already awake, though still in bed.

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A Leopard's Tail Ch 7

When the tape had played itself, he reached over and dialed karen's number. the phone rang a few times, and peter was just about to hang up, when karen's voice came over the line. "hello?" karen asked in a pleasant voice. "hi karen. it's peter.

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Take My Daughter, For Example

Shaw was certain sheprador puppies would be even cuter than karen was. it took karen several seconds to respond, looking over her mother.

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