Chapter 13 - Setting the Stage
With a hint of magick at his fingertips he was able to see quite clearly in the dark. he shifted comfortably in his sack cloth overalls as he patiently awaited his summons. they would be here soon enough.
Depths Of Winter's Embrace - Chapter Seven - Finale -
This strange, magick created simulacrum. he wasn't perfect, but in his own, sweet, naive way, as i taught him, so did he teach me. he was gentle, kind, sweet, adorable and in so many ways - a perfect lover.
The Elder Scrolls: Hunter's Gift -- Part 2
That shimmering obscuring my vision ever since del put his magickal claws on me coalesces into a blinding light just inches from my face, forming a magickal shield. the second creature recoils from the magick, as if burned.
Orc Milkings
Once there the magicks then pulled his arms behind his back, drawing el macho's upper-body along with it.
Part 2: Draconic Relations
She could even put a little magick into it to make him stronger, so that he wouldn't bruise so easily.
Marc was a young wolf, he got up hesitantly and said, "err... the three types are black magicks, white magicks, and... sagacity?"
Part 16
I took the rest of the day to explore the house, making sure that any door that was sealed by magick like my chamber or the one that the master was in i did not touch.
Chapter 1: Encounter
He still had to be careful, however, as rouge could come into the kitchen at any moment, and he did not want to be caught using magick by her. raven had caught him once.
The Last Dragon part 4
Hynsten roared in defiance, scales cracking and falling from where the magick had collided with his back.
"From Whom All Blessings Flow," Part A
Whether that was done as a planned result of magick use, is not relevant.
:ALTERED BEASTS: - A New Life, Pt. 12
Feeling up to it-thanks to his magickally boosted healing abilities-he went to take a shower. after being cooped up for three days, it was time to rejoin the land of the living reguardless of the congestion...
Chapter 72 - The Siege is Broken
There was less activity there and it avoided the center, where it could be discerned that multiple magickal barriers had been erected by the magi living within the camp.