Mystic Heart Odyssey - Chapter 11

Each one had a medallion on it with a symbol consisting of a series of interconnecting rings on it- stacked with the smallest at the bottom to the largest on top. he approached them and handed the medallions to the two.

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Dragon Outlaw: Part Two

Instead, hanging from his teeth was the medallion the blue dragon had been wearing. "no more shall you stand with the council." the black dragon casually tossed his head and sent the medallion flying. "you will submit."

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First Time: The Next Step

There _are_ only six medallions in total, which means each team of gladiators will be hunting for them. you are racing against them, as well as time. only the team that brings _four_ medallions back to the academy will win the tournament."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book V Chapter 8

She intently cleaned the medallion while her injured paw dropped on the white sheets, momentarily turning them red. after a few very precise licks the medallion shone solely with her saliva which she wiped off with the bottom side of a second pillow.

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The Seeker, Chapter 38, Part 2

I have a feeling this might be about the medallion."

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The Games Begin!

"_ _"at select times, various medallions will be hidden around the house. they will look like this."_ a picture of the medallion appeared on the screen. "_your goal is to try and find these medallions.

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Rogue's Trial

As he looks down at himself he notices the medallion still resting against his furry chest. "the medallion is special, it provides a link between both halves of yourself. though it does take time to work."

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The Dark Fair, chapter 3: Welcome to our newest visitor!

"at each stall, present your medallion to the cashier or the manager, to deduct the payment. your father added you to your family's account, so you can spend as much as you want without stress, david."

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Dusty's (Failed) Revenge

It seemed as if their own eyes were shining as well...glimmering with the light of the medallion. "not so indeed..." the tiger growled.

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My Hero Academia: A Monkey Hero

Two seconds later the green haired teen was snoozing the night away, which is exactly what the medallion, or rather the spirit within, wanted as it went about its work.

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Dragon Outlaw: Part Three

They were weaker now though whether because of the medallion she wore once again or because her heat was ending he didn't know.

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#10. Trial and Punishment

While tracing my finger around the medallion's edge as the emblem started glowing. next the small space between the door was filled by an orange mystical fire. when it flashed the portal was open, grabbing the medallion first then the doorknob.

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