
The miner wasted no time getting to a bar. there, he got drunk, fast. but, not even the strongest drink got rid of the brown muzzle, with painted lips, rings in the ears and wanton glances.

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Bluestone: A Shaman Squirrel Special

"our blue bricks are made of a mineral called ambientite, common in kigorith but very rare elsewhere," said finwe. "when simple life forms such as bacteria ingest particles of the mineral, it causes them to glow." "bio-luminescence," said welkety.

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D.E1 Crossover - Chapter Seven

Will blue mineral somehow help?" "this blue mineral is very important for us, yukiomaru. it's what powers our ships and everything inside it." husky told the little alien.

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The Sword of a Million Men - Chapter I

Old, missing an eye, and in rags that marked him as a miner, the rat had no trouble in rambling endlessly to rowen about whatever he fancied: from his boss and the other miners to his back problems.

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Death is but a doorway.

Turns out i could slurp water up my muzzle like a straw and the water was icy cold, with a hint of minerals to the taste. the minerals were rather pleasant accent to the water's taste.

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A new life.

It's the radiation from the mineral that kills anything living, first reason goes, then speech and finally it kills the nervous system.

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The Voyage chapter 8

"any type of mineral that's not on earth. i heard of various minerals discovered during the apollo 15 mission and that lunar base is near where apollo 15 landed at.

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A Hrothgar's Welcome

Being a hrothgar miner was, surprisingly, a well-paid job in this day and age, but that's thanks in part to the gigas research ongoing at the copperbell mines.

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A Mender's New Hope

And they wanted that mineral deposit that he was hiding behind!

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The Patchwork Soldier part IV (revised)

However they did it, it was obvious that floyd had forgotten one important detail: the miners may have been tolerant, but they were still human.

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