Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 3 Part 2

He moaned happily, delighting as his overstimulated, overproductive testicles worked to release their heavy, gooey burden. he could feel his spunk rushing up his cock, spouting into imp with every passing moment. "mmmprh!"

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Bounty Buster

#1 of inflation-bursting stories some bounty hunters get more than they expected than they capture a clever, overproductive criminal.

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[COMM] Out on the Town

The first spurt alone made far more than their entire normal orgasms, the second just as overproductive, along with the third, and fourth, and so on.

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Stripes vs Spots

That flare massaged her insides in the perfect way, and she simply had to keep driving down on it, no matter how likely it seemed to get her absolutely sloshed, absolutely ruined with the sheer amount of spunk she was milking out of that overproductive cock

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Broken Brotherhood

Hayden pulled out of the dragon's maw and, as a testament both to his stamina and his overproductive virility, stroked himself to the same beat that basil had been doing to christian.

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A New World: Rainbow and Applejack

She didn't even try to resist it, knowing full well that she had plenty of cum in her ballsack to go around, with her overproductive testes churning out even more of her slimy goat-spunk if need be.

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Tessith and the Kobolds: Part 1

Tessith was already drooling from his vent around the shaman's cock and the rest of the overproductive kobold's cum served simply to overflow him. lilzua was far from done, however, and his generous endowment just kept pumping into tessith.

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Big and Bigger: Brother's Right

The rush of his jizz washed out applejack's load, though some of it mixed in with his own, the sperm of the two siblings swimming side-by-side through the thick primordial soup nurtured within their overproductive testes.

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Even more rapidly, even more grotesquely, filling, inflating, each second, each pulse of blood, sending directions to his glands to produce sperm, _more_ sperm, _still more_ sperm, so that what was above average at best for a human was flung into frenzied overproduction

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Even more grotesquely, filling, inflating, each second, each pulse of blood, sending directions to his glands to produce sperm, _more _sperm, _still more _sperm, so that what was above average at best for a human was flung into frenzied overproduction

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Another method for those with white fur might be a means of causing an overproduction of melanin in targeted areas to create black skin and fur coloration in the form of design.

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Digimon Defenders Side Chapter 3 Part 1

Already quite aroused and under the effects of gazi's concoction; it only took a few strokes to coax his newly overproductive balls to begin working overtime.

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