Playing With Fire - Chapter 1

piplup trotted after her, barely managing not to spill her own food as she carried it in her tiny flippers. "ty..." flint nudged his muzzle into my shoulder, eying my food as i sat down to eat last.

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Fate , Desteny or strange luck ( Episode 4 of 8. Fighting time)

All had thought that she would fight with zoran and rosy but she had decided that she wanted to fight with piplup and squirltle. kenny was fighting with empoleon and his alakazam.

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White's Pokemon Center Disaster

Our assortment of puffs will have the most_ _vicious__legendary creature eating from your hand like a piplup._ _the crew stopped before a door, white taking hold of the door nob_ _while __stat__ ing __clearly to the crew "prepare yourselves for our next stop

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Fate, Destiny or strange luck - Chapter 4 - Fighting time ( Reforged )

All had thought that she would fight with zoran and rosy, but she had decided that she wanted to fight with piplup and squirltle. kenny was fighting with empoleon and his alakazam.

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My New Best Friend Chapter 8: I love you Riolu

"well, piplup is now a prinplup and i met riolu in the forest, its actually a very long story." "well, start from the beginning!" said the champion. alex chuckled at his friend's comment and started telling the story.

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Shifters: Chapters 5-8

"well then it must be a piplup" said his mother triumphantly "why don't you show us?" "wrong again" said kai. "hope, come on out and meet my parents!"

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The Human Species Ch.105 - Bedridden Spouse Rukario

It had been dreadful to find out how much the piplup had changed, but with rukario it was equally saddening to see she had not changed at all. rukario had to make an effort to keep from gasping, faced once again with her lost love.

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Legendary Chaos - Chapter 2: Seduction Lesson 1: Arousing Costume Play

The two then headed off, piplup a bit sad as he saw his friend hurt and they were going to be separated. when they disappeared out of his view, he immediately released his team from their respective balls and started to make camp.

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My one true mate

piplup couldn't help but chuckle at this but regretted it when he saw pikachu giving a pissed off look with sparks flying out his cheeks which shut him up instantly.

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The Human Species Ch.12 - Beautiful Dancer Gallade

Lucario immediately decided that this gallade was the least intimidating pokémon he had met so far, ending up somewhere beneath the piplup, the eevee and the purple ball with legs. "yo, is this guy for real!?"

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Love Beneath the Surface-Chapter 1-A Floating Stone

Rhydon was busy watching the children swimming with their squirtles, mudkip, and piplups. one even had a magikarp, who seemed a little intimidated by the rhydon looking over them. but the drill pokemon just sat and watched them.

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Pokémon Defenders: Transformed

Dawn found that being a piplup meant walking was a bit harder, with her shorter legs. misty probably had the easiest time out of the three girls.

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