Familiar Taste of Poison Ch.1

#1 of familiar taste of poison the companions are the saviors of the people and they ride to the aid of all those in need.

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Dynasty: Origins, Act 11.5: Poisoned

"he's the only smart one assesses what's going on other than just knowing you were poisoned. trust me, your dosage is worse than his but not worse than lane's... special version of the poison."

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Midway pt. 10 Trusted Poison

There were no signs of anything that glowed bright green like the sample of poison. i began to feel shame for allowing another king to get in my head and control my thoughts.

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The nerdy kids poisoned the frog for the 'cool' kids so they can have short laugh. they were probably promised to join the group. with hard concentration she somehow managed to order her fluids to build up into what should look like her older form.

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Krystal's initiation

"...poison... she's using poison to..." and then, it all stopped. her arousal abruptly spiked to a near-impossible level. she had just enough time to let out a tremendous howl before she collapsed on the tombstone.

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Gift for Jamie Otter: Predator Run

Then his arm twitched, the sting spreading as the poison flowed through his veins. the small otter clutched tight to the snake's midsection as he stares at the graceful fangs injecting poison into him.

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Multi-Tail Trouble: Part One

I walked to a nearby berry bush, making sure they aren't poisonous. alas, they had three leaves and were red, possibly deadly. i just had to fight the hunger until i got home. it soon subsided though, which was good, i guess.

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(C) Kana's Revenge

Knowing you, it was probably poison. much cleaner. more your style. however it was done, i am certain it was masterfully executed._ _first off, i must give you an apology.

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Mad Science - Graduation

"an odd side effect that i have found to adding a toxic aspect to a creature previously devoid of one is an exceedingly increased resistance to other toxins, venoms, and poisons. including those not produced by their own body.

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 10: "Oh, Insatiable One"

"This is just fantastic," Frosty grumbled, finding himself once again staring at the ceiling, this time in a room that wasn't his. How long had he been locked in here? There wasn't a...

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Frosty Loops - Chapter 5: "Melts in Your..."

Well, at least it likely wasn't poisoned, but he still didn't intend on accepting it. the truffles looked awfully tempting, though, especially since he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast.

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