Keema's Adventure: Joining the Circle

Keema and farkas were the only ones left. "so i'm guessing you're coming with me then?" keema asked farkas, who nodded in response. "yes, we're off to dustman's cairn, a nordic ruin, i hope you're not scared of the undead" farkas said.

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Syzygy Ch. 01

farkas let the name roll off of his tongue a couple times, fond of how it sounded "mmm, isoke." farkas cuddled close to isoke, pulling off his spent rod.

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Familiar Taste of Poison Ch.1

"farkas. and yours?" "pumpa." she uncorked a bottle from her bag, pushing up to her knees and took a long swig from it's contents. farkas looked at the liquid and grimaced. "is that...what i think it is?"

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Keema's Adventure: New Beginnings

farkas asked her. "yes, i'll find a way, somehow" keema said before tossing two witch heads into the fire, as she and aela brought out their weapons to slay vlikas and farkas' werewolf spirits. ...

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Keema's Adventure: Vilkas

farkas asked them. "of course we did ice brain. show this new blood where the rest of the whelps sleep" aela told farkas. "new blood? oh... follow me" farkas said, as he began to lead keema over to the bedrooms as they walked.

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Slutcat and Sworddog #17

I'm aela and this is farkas and ria. never heard of the companions? an order of warriors. we are brothers and sisters in honor. and we show up to solve problems if the coin is good enough. we don't have a mage though.

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Thunder Castle

A fi㺠szemei elkerekedtek, arcpikkelyein bã­borvã¶rã¶s pã­r jã¡tszott, lã¡bai kissã© megremegtek, s farka izgatottan csapkodott jobbra-balra.

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Keema's Adventure: Hajvarr Ironhand

Just go to the guards and put a bounty on them, surely another adventurer or mercenary like yourself can offer to help you with it" farkas said. "calm down farkas, he must have had a good reason to have chosen us" skjor reasoned with him.

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GD Skyrim: Part XXXI-XXL

I wouldn't have believed it if i hadn't seen farkas change right in front of me. he was a force of nature, cleaving through enemies with a savage might i had never seen before. the mercenaries didn't stand a chance.

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An Argonian and his Story

Then a s the organization attacked my follower farkas was about to die when the most amazing thing happened, he grew deep brown fur, gain massive claws, grew a muzzle, and a tail, he was a werewolf!

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GD Skyrim: Part XIII-XXX

It didn't help farkas wasn't taking no for an answer either so it looked like i was being dragged off to yet another crypt.

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Keema's Adventure: Khajiit Merchant

Let me come-" aela tried to join but was stopped by farkas, coming from the market district, who had tried to give chase to the silverhand but failed. "no, not now aela, we have jorrvaskr to protect.

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