
Thinking he had perhaps lost the predatory bird, he took a quick glance over his shoulder: the hawk was gone.

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Lord Attlebrush's Dinner

With a predatory snarl, lord attlebrush stamped a foot like a petulant child and raged. he had planned this with equsite detail, down to the second - now - his theatrical moment was stolen away from him! 'master..."

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A Dance for the Night (part two)

That smile seemed to gain more of it's predatory glint."believe me, i can pay anything you charge and then some." 'gods, this guy is fucking rich...'

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Buxy the Bunny Part 2: Chapter 4: Setting up for the party

"it's a predatory thing. i don't expect you to understand since you're a rabbit." buxy shuddered under steven's gaze. she detected a bit of his predatory hunger that all carnivores held for her kind.

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Heat Of The Moment - Chapter 3 Virgin Killer

Everything about her appealed to him, he felt a predatorial want for her body so powerful and unlike him it scared him at first, what if she was to ever discover he felt like this.

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Fox Trap (part i)

At how the toothy smile of a wolf could come across as either a friendly smile, or a lewd and predatory leer, depending on the character of the viewer.

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Let's Have Sex With Everything: Sangheili (M/M)

That rumbling, guttural and deep growl had only become more predatory as the digit that was beginning to touch and push right against your tight little pucker abruptly retracted.

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A long night

He only had time to lift his eyes from his phone to see the cetacean give him a predatory smile. "no! no no no!"

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That desperate, broken look in the doe's eyes triggered juno's predatory instincts. juno was slapped with the sudden urge to impregnate the poor doe, to conquer her, to _own her_, carnally and completely.

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Kitty Litter

It seems like his predatory friends may be rubbing off on him, but the wuff certainly isn't complaining!

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Part 13: To Who is it Right?

Her formerly predatory, lusty gaze had vanished. "ah." the demon was terse. she carefully stepped around the mare toward the horse's foxy companion. "angela, don't look her in the eyes." the herm briefly panicked.

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Zombies are Wankers: Never Mind Settling Down

Fang envy is when a prey animal envies the strength they see in predatory animals, and predator's guilt is when a predatory animal envies a prey animal's benevolence.

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