Chapter III: No Shadow too Deep

That's why we have pyromancers, cryomancers and whatever else. that's because those people are able to understand their type of magic better than any other spell." he frowned for a second.

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Bonds of Hydromancy

The team challenge involved four elementalists - one hydromancer, one pyromancer, one geomancer and one aeromancer - in a battle against another team.

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Zion: Preparing for the (LITERARY) Climax

Palo appears to be a pyromancers of incredible talent-- "appears" being the operative word because he never commits to acknowledging it as a fact. "let the flames speak for themselves." he says, or "i summon flames, don't i?

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Elite Guild Story Chapter 2: Toys

"sir axel is a blacksmith but he's also a pyromancer. a mage, sort of, but only with fire magic. it's funny for an otter to have a power like that, right?" "it's funny for anyone to have a power like that!"

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Fatal Radiance - Chapter 1

"i tried, but the horse was quite a talented pyromancer himself." he told the badger with a deep sadness in his voice. "i see. sorry to bother you, but i need to know a few more details.

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His Master's Slave

The tall, sultry phoenix rolling her eyes at lyca's extravagant surroundings was laverne, high court mage and lethal pyromancer. altogether, this meant he had entered the very throne room itself. and that in turn meant... "hello there, little lyca."

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Grentail Manor Chapter 2

"hello, again, mister flores," the dragon rose as he spoke, "i am lord frederick fierhorn, pyromancer of the highest degree." fierhorn bowed to susila before taking his seat, the monitor nodding to the dragon.

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Chronomancer Chronicles: The Burning Rebellion 4.0

"you know novallier is an accomplished pyromancer, right?" harm asked. "he didn't get that build from lounging about reading books either. he served in the _custodia solis_ for six years before he took the crown.

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Chapter XI: To the Sun

"rose was a budding pyromancer but refused to join the _clericus solis_ because she wanted to live the simple life. the chronomancers didn't care, however. they came at her and destroyed her other children save for tomas.

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Another Time: Chapter 6

On some level, he liked to believe that konseral was innocent of the dark pyromancer's machinations but he could not deny that the porcinus had at least wilfully ignored some of the warning signs.

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Hunter's Moon: A Declaration of War

Alex found himself returning the hug and standing alongside the pyromancer. deep down, alex felt his wolf rub against the stranger's presence. if his wolf was this accepting, should he not do the same?

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Chapter XIX: Farmer's Directive

He recalled reading somewhere that tynvandar was an accomplished pyromancer, the youngest person to have ever mastered the most powerful pyromancy spell - _nova supremis._ hunter shuddered to think what tynvandar could do when he was mad.

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