Venturing: Friend like Crow

She blinked in response and threw her claw towards the center coin, questioning me. i nodded, "yeah. but get this. the coin is actually tainted with four colors.

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Venturing: Calling Music

I commented out loud while she smirked at me in response but turned her attention to the computer thereafter. curious, i urged her on. she explained this in response. "it is from a site that neither of us have heard off however.

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Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 58

He asked, rose blinking at him in response before putting her clipboard under her arm with a smile and a nod.

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What's a bear to do.

Slamming the desk with a loud   thud, he sat back for a second before typing in a short message in   response.   "and what is that? what do you know about me?"   sitting back, he had to sneer at his witty response.

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Change in Venue- November

"as are all of you i find myself very frustrated at our inability to prevent these incidences nor have we been able to find anyone who we can prove is responsible. but we will not stop in our search to bring the ones responsible to justice.

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EyeWatch: Dollar Snap

For their ears flickered as i muttered, they frowned in response. their eyes to me. "we may have to go back upstairs and find the x marks."

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Venturing: OutSuns

For while my eyes kept upon him and the jewel, i stayed silent in response while zander grabbed a hammer from his back and smashed the jewel into pieces. "why did you do that for?" i asked him curiously, he turned in response and shrugged.

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Venturing: Five Inlock

Kyro growled in response, "i do not know." "its filling the room and our nostrils however!"

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Blind Lane

A grumble in response. "...but the important thing is; i won't miss you." "'re going soft, toby." "shut up and drink." "'re making me soft too." no response for several moments, as a bottle was passed. "what do... nevermind."

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