Make Way for Jay! Ch 6

"not just eating, we are making the sandwiches." i said "why? why do we need to do this to pick up girls man?" "stop talking and help okay?

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Ch 6

"not just eating, we are making the sandwiches." i said "why? why do we need to do this to pick up girls man?" "stop talking and help okay?

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Dragon love chapter 5

Zerein was already making a sandwich, one for me and one for her. she hadnded me the thicker sandwich as she took a bite out of hers. i took the sandwich and tooka big bite. i swallowed. "that is a damn good sandwich. what did you put on it?"

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Mistaken Identity

All five sandwiches tumbled into her opened maw, filling and overfilling that gluttonous cavern. she struggled to bring her jaws together, and after a moment of working the sandwiches with her tongue, narrowly succeeded.

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Simple Plan (CH.1: New Girl, No Lunch, and a New Friend)

Now believe it or not, but they barbecued rabbit sandwich is really good.

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Bar Jocks: Story Two, Part 1

He took a cup and a sandwich, which turned out to be a heavy scoop of ice cream between hand-made gingersnaps. frankie tapped the moose on his shoulder. "we have to get going," he said, his hands filled with punch and sandwich.

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The Ride to the Function

"yes, sandwiches are nice," he said impassively, his hand moving deftly to counter the old car's wayward drift toward the oncoming lane. "i beg your pardon?" i said. "i said 'sandwiches are nice," the dingo said, chewing on the words.

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"well, here," kris said, handing me his sandwich, "my mom gave me my sister's sandwich and i don't like mustard." i took the sandwich and smiled and said, "thanks."

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An Alien's Corruptive Plan

Unwrapping sandwich after sandwich, dradier quickly gobbled down the sandwiches. letting out a satisfied burp, dradier leaned away a pipe and rubbed his stomach.

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Toni's Diary Entry #6 - Peanut Butter Theater

The two guys take one sandwich each. and right as i think they might start passing the plate around to the other boys, these motherfuckers start shoving these sandwiches under their armpits.

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A Dash of Rainbow

She wriggled and writhed back and forth, and watched as the sandwich was lifted slowly into the air.

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