New Map | by KitsuneJey

A brand new map, seemingly of a national park with a path that reached a secluded camping ground with a stream and a waterfall.

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Memories lost among foggy thoughts & sensations i look back to see how lost to expect the future generations time a delusion, a must, a dream never to be woken i settle into the moment content, knowing what may soon be broken secluded

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Choosing a pokemon

Wherever this was it must be secluded away from civilization. looking down at the water you were startled to discover a face besides your own looking back at you. you sat there confused as to why you looked like a...


Winter's Palisade Chapter 6

Rolling over on my stomach,i start to crawl over to a more secluded spot,so if anything came in the cave couldn't find me and hurt me. then again,if matt or andrew came by,they wouldn't be able to see me either.

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Tavern Of Darkness Ch. 1

.** _ _ **after a short trip up to the bar for a glass of straight whiskey, her favorite, she made her way to a secluded table in the corner to sit. she was lost in thought. ** __ **who was that guy? ** _

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Wolf's Bond: Part 2

The older werewolf grabbed one of the empty pots left around the abandoned burrow they secluded themselves in.

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A short description for Onyx_Orchid

Furs of all breeds mingling with each other, some cute couples kissing away in slightly-secluded booths. in one corner of the room sits a lonely looking gryphon, a laptop on her knees and a bored expression on her face.


A Journey Among the Highlands

As i continued to roam, i found a glen between a secluded dale, which offered a beautiful loch where much wildlife did prevail; the rowan trees bowed gently toward the patches of bonnie heather, and all the whilst, i stood in awe and enjoyed

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Andrew pulled out a pokeball inside of a secluded cave he knew and threw it. a flash of bright light and his beloved arcanine came out. he scratched his big dog behind the ears and rump. she licked his face with equal affection.

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The Difter Emergence - Ch. 0 - Introduction

Shortly before the space race began, somewhat secluded pangeans of different subspecies discovered a very shocking truth. their ancestors were not born on pangea but were simply seeded millions years ago.

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Fallen - Chapter 9 - Lessons

._ _ _ after that day, julius became withdrawn and secluded. he refused to socialise with others and even kept his own family at a distance.

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Foundations, Ch. 2

He was sitting in a far off, secluded section of the public library in midtown, doing research and writing his latest paper. it had been very slow and relatively unproductive work. his mind was jumble and had become progressively more so of late.

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