The Legend of Animor

There was one person in royal blue and gold trim senate robes that is looking down at the battle while frowning in disgust, his pure white wings folded behind his back.

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Star Wars - Aggressive Negotiations [ROTS-AU]

Is that clear senator? you can have a break to care for your child, but after that, you belong to me." a part of her reeled at the fact he knew she was a senator. a part of her wanted to push him off and run for the door.

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The Voice of the Crane

Alexi knew his father was simply trying to acclimate his son to politics, but the senator's son was already adept enough, or at least he thought he was.

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Identity: Chapter Forty-Nine

A black paw - arkady's - reached down and felt carefully at the senator's neck for a pulse. emotionlessly, he looked up, and shook his head. dead.

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Perfect Roman Male

After her training she was quickly snapped up by a friend of the senator as a gift for his fortieth birthday. yet to even her dismay he could not really be aroused enough at his senior age.

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The White Robe: Epilogue

The news switched away from senator lewis and a familiar face appeared on the screen. caitlin turned the volume back up. "...are still searching for richard corbett and leonard alexander.

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The White Robe Chapter 13

If he was working this case the way he was supposed to be, he'd be looking at all the angles, including the senator's son.

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Room Service II: Put Away Wet

He ducked inside the bathroom to start the cleaning process, all the while on the lookout for cameras and digital storage devices angel might have used to record senator connor.

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Nation - The Greater Haromian Empire

The imperial senate is made up of 9,700 senators, one for every major settled world of the third haromian empire, plus small caucuses from the vassal states, and handles domestic affairs for the empire as a whole.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 16

"the atrian senate has always endeavored to serve you. despite its foibles and scandals, occasionally losing its way amidst politics and greed, many senators have fought hard to use the senate as a tool in your service.

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Lykos 2-09 - Unexpected Reunion

senator moore explained, "it is a more complex situation that senator jensen proposes. it isn't like registering a driver or registering a weapon.

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