Turlon The Gryphon King:The Kings Birthday

Turlon starts to tickle tala's sensitive feet, making her laugh and moan as he did so. "oh turlon that really tickles, my feet are so sensitive and ticklish", tala giggled. turlon starts licking tala's sensitive nipples, tala softly moans in pleasure.

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A Cozy Sleeping Bag

Teasing her soft, sensitive flesh with his fuzzy tail tip. shaylor groaned as he increased the pressure against the sensitive flesh beneath her balls, slowly pushing her further into his cock.

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Try Me! Chapter 2 - Experimentation

He could see the sensitive flaps pretty easily. he opened them to see inside and groaned at the sensitivity. damn! maybe it was too much? there was quite a bit of lubrication already and it felt like he was having an erection.

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Summers' Passions - Extended Scene

Cee couldn't resist, and when he began to lick at the sensitive area, he felt his mate rumble, vibrating around his hardness.

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Todd dissolved into helpless giggles as a single blunt claw wiggled furiously about in the sensitive hollow of his exposed armpit.

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The Basics of Roger Draco's Bio

The sensitivity is inherited, not the ability itself.


Alchemist's Collab

And yet, it wasn't enough; the effect was slowing itself down, her tits growth was stopping, they were super sensitive yet still not sensitive enough.

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Just to Spice Things Up

"as you can see...and hear, of course, the anal sensitivity has been markedly increased...leading into heightened arousal and pleasure, "the fox explained, "we approximate a 46% increase in sensitivity and very high marks in subjective pleasure assessment

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A ticklish situation

He was extremely sensitive and hated having his feet touched. his sister coco would tickle him sometimes but he didn't mind as he could easily get away.

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Arion's entrance exam

Right before the black dragon came, shaylor finally regained her senses, now that the snake wasn't simulating all of her sensitive internals.

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Beating the Heat: Put your hands between your legs and go for it

Soon, all three of the sensations converge as your fingers find one of the sensitive spots inside and rubs it until it feels just right.

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Tiffany's Gift

Shaylor couldn't help but cry out as her snake slithered around inside her sensitive prostate while it was squished from above.

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