Poem #90: Distance and Time

separated are we not by chains, not walls nor bridges, only by distance and by time.


Disconnect - Chapter 1 and 2

The separation. the loss. the lab. the outcome. but most vibrant of them all was the suffering. his eyes felt as if they were melting at the sight of the starving wolf. he dropped the $20 bill.


Scared of Not Seeing You

Everyone eventually will no longer see someone because life separates you from them. and its not something like death that always separates you from another, but it can be countless other things. true fear, is loss itself.

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A good idea

A research of jonas hamesol, centered around keeping separated body parts alive, clean and in contact with eachother, seemed to check out, at least in theory.

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The comfy chair

It was at this point where their paths home separated, they separated with a simple "cya" and wend their separate ways. as shane walked he sped up his pace, knowing no one would be home when he got there.

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lifes turn around

Do you want, until death separates you, to be faithful to her for all days? never do what you want, until death, which would separate, to love her, even in bad days.

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A Boy and His Lucario Part 3

Lucario put its hands together then slowly separated them. a glowing blue ball of energy was being formed and grew larger the more lucario separated its hands. with a mighty thrust, lucario tossed the energy ball at the attackers, sending them flying.

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Not sure what to say. Poem

Never to be separated. i know what to say. because your eye's spoke to me. they ask of comfort and understanding. believe me i know the pain i know the hate. so let me help you overcome this fate.

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Pt 20 - The Druid's Flight

The two mists separated, and they could see in each other rainbows reflected through their very souls, the light hitting the water that made their bodies and separating.

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Voicemail From a Dimensional Traveler

By modern day, the new confederate union dominated the deep south, while texas/oklahoma and florida seceded to become their own separate republics.

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The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1

separating the two continents is the stormbreak sea which creates a choppy, dangerous crossing for any ships wishing to risk the passage.

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Journey to Another World ch105

'in truth, my soul isn't actually separate from my body; rather it's my mind that's somewhere else.

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