*POEM* And Suddenly

, he might push the hand leading the pen and cause it to write an erraric line or that hand will write "he sneezed" and while it writes this, something else will happen.

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Raining again (Southpaw chapter 2)

Jack sneezed again, much more violently this time - so violently that his body twisted around. connor almost believed jack was going to fall over, from the force of the sneeze.

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A Furry Beach-Day

I let out a sneeze, grabbing onto him as i clutched him. i sneezed on him. it was like mind control, his eyes darted everywhere, he suddenly seemed attracted to me.

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Pidgeot Valley (Why I Left It)

The arcanine felt a vicious sneeze coming on and quickly reached over to grab another soft leaf. upon feeling one he quickly brought it over to his nose.

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Sick Day (Cow TF)

She felt a sneeze coming on, she scrunched up in anticipation. she sneezed hard, so hard her mouth was forced forward, flattening her big, black nose against her growing snout. the pink mound had gotten bigger, heavier.

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Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 6-The Man Who Wore Silver

Then, there was the cracked rib that felt like it got worse with every sneeze. do you see the brilliance here?

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A Surprise of Epic Proportions - Part 2

Once again, she looked like she was about to sneeze. "shit. okay, try to stop it. rub your nose or something." this huge dragon was going to sneeze destructively and i was helpless to prevent it.

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Story Commission: Foreign Policy, Chapter 3

She gazed down at ara wearing a strange expression of dread, and the little marsupial, thinking she was about to sneeze again, instantly covered both eyes with her forepaws and awaited the sneeze.

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Mary's School Pt. 1

She started to say something but got cut off by her own sneezing. as she breathed in deeply to sneeze she smelt something in the air. after she was done she looked at jessi walking back to class. "hey, do you want to come to my house after school?"

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Lookout For Fennkin

Shoofy, let out a sneeze of fire, but it shocked him to see that he just sneezed out a flame. thinking it could've been from that bean burrito that he had earlier today.


A Dose of Honey

This time it is featuring his okapi-slug lass asali (formerly called meli) taking care of caudle's sneeze and sniffles.

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