Surface: Doomed Planet-Excerpt 16-Bitten

They like to hunt alone, which makes them easy prey to anyone with a sniper rifle and a basic understanding of camouflage and how xenomorph telekinesis works, but any amount of sound, hell even breathing, can tip them off.

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The Struggle Within

Who knows what powers he could gave, telekinesis, lightning bolt, shadow ball, and he's just an eevee! can you imagine if he evolved?" "too bad there's no other way to get rid of him other then this.

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Fursona Description - Adult

Medium telekinesis and mind control.

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Paradise Redefined

It dawned on mattheiu that he had used telekinesis without thinking. he tried to speak, but could find no words. sunset grabbed him and hugged him tightly. "here." she whispered. "let me try again."

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Chapter 13 - Two lives snuffed out

Skye reached sideways with both arms, his fists gathering energy from around him; fire, water, electricity, his own telekinesis, and the newer more mysterious powers that he and ryan had been given.

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Playing With Magic- Ch2- Dreams

The reporter was talking about the uses of telekinesis. "so you see folks, telekinesis is useful inside and out of battle. say you want a cup of tea, but you're too tired to get it..."

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Chapter 8- The Raccoon

Now here's a little girl with telekinesis and he's no longer alone. "that's amazing," kayden whispers. emma slowly sets it back down and her ears dim. "you mean you're not afraid?" emma asks. "of course not.

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Stray, chapter 6

The criminal in me wanted telekinesis, because how useful was that? especially now that i didn't have hands. i told wise what i was looking at, and he looked at me a little concerned.

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"mmmm, soooo good~" the mew continued to pamper his subject as his telekinesis returned to that tummy, rubbing and squishing into it as the bug eagerly, needily emptied every last drop of cum from his balls.

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Academy Affairs Ch.6: Sarah's Test

"i found master's toy' she tittered with amusement as she held it in place behind me with what i could only assume was telekinesis.

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The Life and Trials of the Draconian Apprentice: Chapter II

The blue drake rubbed his cheek, not the one he fell on, but the one she'd struck with her telekinesis. he had a mark on his face like he'd been in a bar fight.

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Revised Psionics Write-up

While it can be useful in some ways, telekinesis is less of a defensive or offensive ability and just more of a utility.