The Red Hunter

It had been foretold through stories in the towns of yore that a simple hunter would capture the imagination of his prey. however, he was not concerned as the light of a full moon revealed the shimmer of his coarse red fur.

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[p] Packed Full of Pups

Deep in the slumbering weald, the wolves of yore wait for a human to rekindle their trust... and to take their knots and bear their pups... ...might it be you?

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Etiquette for the Modern Lycan--Ch.10: The Right Mate Makes a Happy Wolf

It is with these requests that we announce our mateship in the eyes of olympus, our pack, and the hunters of yore." michael intoned in greek. it was his love that i had accepted last night in a way that many humans would not understand in full.

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A Breaking of Brothers

Rolf was thus besides himself with joy and terror, on one hoof, here he was free to pursue his passion for travel, like the intrepid scholars of today and yore.

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Spell Casting [PTRN][RWD]

Upon his desk was his 'quests of yore' book that he took with him when both he and his brother adventured. his younger sibling had used a number of spells from the pages within the book, though not all.

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Bojack and Mr. Peanutbutter

The horseman fondled himself some more idly as he kept reliving the olden days of yore, when he was a big shot tv star. he soon decided to stop, and head out to his usual strip show place.

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Instincts of Justice Chapter 11: Stirring the Darkness

The fights in the city or have ya gotter clean the gunk in yore ears out first? heh, shoulda 'specting you sea-rats to be lily-livered. first ya shirk your duties with the slaves then ya sit round prancing and in yore skirts.

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Another Rawnsfield Morning

But no, yore just the same prejudice bastard i've always known!" "psh, whatever f-man." jason said as he got up and took his leave.

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Off Leash Chapter 6

"tau is not perfect, but it an improvement from the days of yore. which is why rudy notified us and not o'meara." o'meara's hair seemed to catch fire and redness blossomed in her cheeks. "i'd never!"

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Lykos-Apocalypse Ch.1

The keepers of the lycaonagius family were directly descendent from nyctimus' disciples of yore. strong in their control over the mist. they were true magicians. not just psychomancers as the other keepers seemed to be.

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What Lies Beyond the Walls, Book II: Chapter 6

But before, if you couldn't carry yore own weight, we didn't bother tryin' to haul you 'round everywhere. 'keep up or you fuck up' i think were my father's words." "and that's why you're still here today." tegast leaned forward and sighed.

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It became a ritual, one that was as sacred and arcane to him as the rituals of the ancient druids from the long forgotten days of yore. it was what got him through the day.

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