For AnotherMeekOne

The fox shook his head, bringing up a couple more windows that showed various metrics being recorded live. "no increased heart rate. no dilation in the eyes.

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Alphys' Modern Life: Camera Shy (Part 2)

Undyne asked papyrus curiously as the two of them swerved, weaved and bobbed their way past numerous trees and rocks; luckily, the whole event was being recorded on television, so there was no need for a video camera here.

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Alphys' Modern Life: Camera Shy (Chapter 3)

Undyne asked papyrus curiously as the two of them swerved, weaved and bobbed their way past numerous trees and rocks; luckily, the whole event was being recorded on television, so there was no need for a video camera here.

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Gloryhole Blowjob From Lucario (he has no idea!!)

He knows this is being recorded. is there a guy on the other end, probably? he doesn't really care. human x lucario, bisexual, there's a bit of straight human/human involved as well.

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Culture Clash

"tell me what you know, you will be recorded." a plate of food was brought in by an average dragon in simple canvas clothing, "protheus is this large tower here i'm guessing. you're in a working class area.

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Galactic Ranger CYOA Part One

In this case, this story will focus on a science fiction theme where the adventures of a member of the galactic ranger corps will be recorded.

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Webcam Fantasy

This was all being recorded. gumdramon fell back against the coach. gumdramon left hand shivered as it started to come up and finally took a hold of shoutmon's head. gumdramon tried to pull shoutmon off.

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Change of Body-Pt8

"alright, so as you can see garrin, you'll be recorded both visually and verbally. i'll run through a fair few closed and open ended questions in order to test your mental functionality.

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Zion: Light of the New Moon Part 2, Ch 1.2 Shrad

Loric smiled at that, "but you could be." he spoke in as sweet a tone as he could manage, voice smoothly flowing out of his ingratiating muzzle like honeyed milk, "i believe that you are destined to be recorded in history." "no..."

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Involuntary Adoption

He spoke in their odd language of squeaks and clicks and haunting calls as lines of strange text appeared on a separate machine that seemed to be recording his words.

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Children of Earth - Part 9

"now everything you say is being recorded. were i you, i'd keep quiet." he says, then turns and heads out. this would be an interesting trial.

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