Chapter 9: A Training Day

Alesta began to awaken from passing out. She was exhausted and aching from the intensity of her muscle movements. She had never had so many plants working her over before. She looked over to see the male plant had taken the last seeds out of her after...

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Chapter 5: Old Friends and Sins

Old Friends and Sins Alesta smiled softly and walked back to her room turning the light back on and smiling as the plant came back to life sending a couple of vines to her as she opened the closet. She reached down kissing one and rubbing it...

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Quinn's Farm: Chapter 4 - Mister Jhavs

**cast** : **quinn** - otter **ken** - black wolf **jack** - rat **timmy** - mouse **mister jhavs** - black draft horse copyright (c) 2007, skipai **author's note** : this story has adult characters of 18 or over.

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More than what the contract says part 3-1a

OOC: Just letting everyone know that I have finally figured out a special treat for this story for an anthro transformation for Jess. Won't bring it up until the next story. More than what the contact says-part 3 Feeling his head swim in a sea filled...

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After work rendezvous...

Watching as the big draft horse started to reach up, plainly thinking to wrestle the phone away.

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Dovahkiin Ascendant [Commission]

They folded underneath him, forcing the draft horse to the ground, the mighty equine lying on his side as he struggled to catch his breath.

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Reining It in (Reupload)

The draft horse turned and ambled a few steps along the crest. let them get a good look at him. he knew full well how intimidating he was, not just to the enemy either. far as he knew, he was the only draft horse either kingdom had seen.

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Make'em Howl

The smirking werewolf growled as he sniffed the massive draft horses long equine neck, finding the stallions scent sweet and summerish. "seth."

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Dr. Thomas Part Three

Bernard moaned as his flare popped into his sires ass, being held tightly by his soft rectum and the strong hand of the draft horse.

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Big Fish Stories

Most of the other anthros on the street gave the large draft horse a wide berth and tristan followed in the wake. walking along tristan glanced this way and that, looking around as he followed after owen.

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Enslaved to Scent

=============================== Ok the following is my fist "non-fantasy" story and is going to be a bit different. It's also only part one, so for those looking for more action, don't worry it's coming. Standard warnings apply to all situations...

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