On a Stormy Night

_ **On a Stormy Night** _ _Written by Aria Kendrick_ "Not now damn it." Ashley Connor banged her palms against the steering wheel of her police cruiser in frustration as though she could will it back to life. "Come on start you piece of shit..."...

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Shower Moments

With a stretch and a yawn the sleepy dragon looked in the mirror. What stared back was a very pleasing sight. A lovely sight stared back at her. Red hair cascaded down over her shoulders as her green eyes traced her plush curves down her body. Her...

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From Ashes Chapter 1

From Ashes by Admiral Q and inspired by 'More Terrible than Chains' by Bernard Doove. Prologue Chris Rasmussen lean back on his chair and watch the starfield fly by at warp while he listened to his favorite music. Being owner and captain of the...

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Parson Ch 2

Jim and Parson worked on the house while the two girls were out shopping, just making sure that it would be in good shape when they returned. It was around mid-afternoon when they returned, and Beth was positively bouncing as she walked through the...

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Carnival Hearts Interlude Helen and Lynn

After school, Lynn said one last goodbye to Mal and the others as they set off into the woods to go talk with the court about how to see to the welfare of the town going forward and to fill them all in on the plans to bring the rest of the town into...

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A romantic night

A very late Valentines for our loving couple. Note: if you haven't read the first story, you will be lost on quite a few details. "Wow. I never expected you could..." Cele stares at the room. Maroon curtains cover the walls, giving the apartment...

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Vael's life Magic

As before, this story contains situations not suitable for anyone under 18 years of age, this means if you cannot gamble, then you shouldn't be here ^..^ Whether you listen, as before, is up to you. Vael saw the darkness yet again, surrounding...

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Splintered Chromosomes Ch5

"Sonya Hun hehe wake up...sweetie?" I sat up slowly and propped myself up on an elbow feeling my tits shift their weight and fresh milk drip...

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Howl my Mate

Haku growled as she prowled the woods behind her obsession's house. Her obsession's window was open and Haku was at just the right angle that if she rose to her full height of almost 7 feet and put her snout in the air, she could smell the scent of her...

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Mad Mall

\*\*\* Two things, first, the copyrights and such are in the "Note of the author" so read it please. Second, gallery of laffycat: [http://www.furaffinity.net/user/laffykat22/](http://www.furaffinity.net/user/laffykat22/) . And mine ...

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Fur and Feathers Ch. 1

Cast Avari: Me. Fen: Nauta. Sema: Me. Avari lay down in her stall of soft hay, trying to get comfortable. Ever since the griffoness's eggs had been coming in a few days ago, it felt weird to sleep on her belly as she usually did, and...

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Room Mates

Mackenzie sighed as she walked into the living room. She kicked off her shoes, grabbed the remote and sunk into the overstuffed chair. Soft music drifted in from the other room making her start in surprise. Nobody was supposed to be home right now. ...

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