Corruption In Space

The spirit smiled, glad to see his mind-altering powers as effective as always, "now go ahead and start by switching partners. show me how excited you all are to share your love."

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An Unearthly Encounter ~ Erotica

#1 of stories a short erotica story involving my shepherd, kamilla and a mighty dragon this short involves several kinks and fetishes including hypno, seduction, magic, mind altering drugs (weed), transformation, size difference, belly bulging, lots of cum

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TF Remote

(contains: ftm transformation, weight gain, body change, mind alteration, mom and son to boyfriends by mind alteration, feeding, gas) john was bored. being home there was nothing to do. being out of work, his days went by slowly.

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Studying Shusk

The feeling of being taken by a big strong man and being made used as a toy for fucking is quite mind-altering at the moment. everything i could consider disappeared from my mind.

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Final Interview Part 2

The whole thing was far too dangerous, all those toxic fumes and mind-altering side effects. geiger thought it was cute to see us tripping out. she encouraged it. evil bitch... hmm? oh, he killed himself about a week later.

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Cheater’s Keepers

I'm not sure if that's especially legal, to hold that kind of a space in such a bar, but the lingering smell of cum, musk and possibly of some mind-altering substances told me enough of what was going on in that place.

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 5: Compliance (Claimed by Blunder)

Now his head was wobbling left and right, back and forth as he tried to follow the smooth, mind-altering movements. "it feels... good..." he muttered with a heavy tongue. the words came out all slurred and soft. "i thought so. let's comply more, okay?

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Hypnovember 2023 - Day 29: Social media (Claimed by DannyTheFox)

Anytime the 's' sound in the word 'peaceful' came, his tongue got somewhat stuck in it, and the fact that it lingered there for a second made him feel floaty and heavily mind-altered.

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Adventure in Babysitting Part. 2

The vixen in her mind-altered haze wouldn't be able to recognize it, but fiona was thinking something along the lines of 'love? what a dumb bitch.' scoffing she nodded. "ok, well, i can work with that.

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Adventures in Babysitting Part. 1

The vixen in her mind-altered haze wouldn't be able to recognize it, but fiona was thinking something along the lines of 'love? what a dumb bitch.' scoffing she nodded. "ok, well, i can work with that.

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Child of Man

Or maybe it was pumping him full of mind altering chemicals again. no. that would be crazy. he'd never even think about running away. the rest of his thoughts were occupied with the ovipositor seeking it's way up his anus.

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DC Criminal Profile: Ironsight

Ability details: while sandoval does not possess any psychic or mind-altering powers, he is extremely intelligent and has an uncanny affinity for psychological manipulation.

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