Immortal, Season 2 - Chapter 11 - Acheron

Katashi gasped as they reached the top of the dunes the sand turning to stone showing they were in the mountains. moving into a pass they kept close together soon seeing deep claw marks along the walls.

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Pokemon Academy!! ch. 2

She blushed again and she said "i was going to the girls shower but i was sleepy and i accidently went to the boys room my mistake sorry" my body turned to stone and i said " **a**** ccidently??"

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chibi kingdom hearts ! part 2

** **red katana turn to stone as he song it at jake make rock spikes shoot from it.

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Watcher of Arceus

As he entered, thomas saw that all three of the pokemon that had been turned to stone were all back to normal. apparently by destroying the cannon, he had freed all the pokemon that had been captured.

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Chapter 23

"are you afraid that you'll turn to stone? do i really look that bad?" sora said putting him on the spot. "no, you're the most beautiful person i ever known!" ace blurted out before covering his muzzle. sora was taken aback.

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Bull and Fox-03 the fox leaves...

And then it was my turn to rock back. and i rocked back on me boots and i unfolded me hoofs from across me chest and i stuffed them in me pants pocket. i was that brought up short. so i took at step back.

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Dark Shine Eyes

The body stiffens so hard that it's like it's been turned to stone and stays that way for a couple days. â basilisk murders are uncommon and easily caught because there are so very few of us in the city that we can all be treated as suspects.

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The Dragon's Garden

It was as if suddenly every single muscle, every inch of his body had turned to stone. he didn't even question it. the voice had said so, and so it was.

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Reaper Graesham Campaign: First Interlude

I was afraid it had turned to stone. "w - wait..." i stammered. "so all these statues...?" "used to be mortaelians, just like you and me." jacob flashed us all a dark, humourless grin. "and now you know what it's called the 'grey ground cemetery.'"

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Tournament of Transformation - Round 1, Part 2

Nestor had watched the other humans turn to rock as well, but thankfully he could already begin to regain feeling in his fingers and toes.

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House of the Rising Floof

Each of them came up against a stone wall, and then the very desire turned to stone. i have... i have to be fucked... i have to stand here... and be... anyone who wishes, who chances upon you, can do the same. that...

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A Loving Heart of Stone

"it's funny... all these years afraid of turning to stone if i so much as glanced at you, and... now i can finally look? i wouldn't care if i was never able to move again, so long as i have this beautiful sight in front of me for the rest of time."

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