Brought into the Light part 3: A Sheath and Knife fan fiction.

"this is mister fred mcgruff, i'm the records archivist and a registered inspector for the state police, is sheriff bloatsome in?"

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Ripples From My Mane - Chapter 5

"every archivist thinks that even when all he found was a dead bitrr'at. it doesn't matter. exodus is in three months, just do your job, scan, record, and we'll load the schematics for the archives." there was a pause. "you get that?"

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Improbable Things Happening to a Coyote (End)

Under great duress, the archivist at the front desk led her back down the same hallways she'd walked with anatolyi. what had been munro's office was occupied by another voli, who regarded the two of them with a puzzled expression.

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A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 09 : Tails Up

"we didn't get the full tale until a week later when she was invited to ponytail lodge, where archivist renton negotiated a deal with her." "she sold that journal entry?"

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Zootopia chap 5

"of course those are very old records... the archivists filed all of those away years ago." jacob explained, the normally bland panda catching the bunny's growing excited himself now.

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The Archive: Ars Antiqua

See this is why i never bothered trying to get archivist certification. i'm happy up here in my little guard booth not letting old wizards and wizard wannabe's memoirs haunt my dreams and nightmares every night.

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Love Can Always Change

I've already been spinning my wheels trying to think of how we are going to explain how we found a human only to have them transform into an anthro, but there's no way i can slide a shapeshifting alien past the archivist council."

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New Year's Evil in Obelisk Cove

Walter is an archivist and jeanette is an alchemist. with a heavy sigh she goes back to duncan and ask him what she just saw as he might know. much to her annoyance, he is still asleep but he has a hard on and is moaning in his sleep.

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Arcadia: Collected

I'm arcadia's archivist." "archivist?" josh nodded towards where he had been sitting. there was a book on the little coffee table where he had been as well as a pen. "yeah. not much help i can be these days considering my... condition.

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Teela and Bruik - Bells (A Basitin SideStory)

Then again, i guess you are the bloodline archivist." after what felt like an eternity, dawn stepped back. "there we are, lovely!" teela turned to look at herself, the bells tinkling merrily around her rear. "well?" dawn pressed. "what do you think?"

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A Special Dessert

While john's profession as an archivist had never been glamorous, he had found their "naughty librarian" bit both comical and exciting.

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