Tides that Turn

I submerged momentarily, collecting water in my blowhole. when the gull paused to stare at the fish i surfaced and coughed, smacking the bird with a jet of cold water.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.7 - The Malicious Masquerade

My 'blowhole' she used to call it. what i do remember of the final chapter in this adventure was that it was all rather a damp squib. pulp novels and movies would have you believe that we would be lauded as heroines for destroying this ghastly cult.

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Beachside Birthday - Orca TF for Toumal

His ears shrank away into the sides of his head, leaving small holes as his head grew broader, his nose sinking into his head as it moved to sit atop it, forming a blowhole.

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Feralphile, Subject 12

She rolled over, blowing out a big breath from her blowhole after being under water for so long, before she slowly swam around me. i rubbed her head and body slowly, cooing and talking to her lovingly as she did so for several long minutes.

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First Impressions Chapter 20

She submerged again as he complied against his instincts, unsheathing his razors into chrystal's back, between her blowhole and her dorsal.

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The Great Rubber Drone

"control mode," sanmer gasped, "blowhole...open..." the smart material identified the peculiar orifice on the top of the orca's head and allowed the goo to part.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 50 - Maine

My finger teased his ticklish blowhole. "i still have one more city to visit before returning to europe though, but for now, i'm happy to enjoy my time with you and bailey." "awwww," bailey came inside with arms full of my suitcases.

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Bishop Takes Knight

He couldn't breathe through it, and so while that panic remained for a little longer, as the hood was pulled down, clinging to his form like a second layer of skin, a small hole in the back of the mask lined up with his blowhole, letting him gasp and fill

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Tuki and the seal (leopard seal/dolphin vore)

There was a dull pop as the seal's snakey jaws unhinged and by the time their mutual momentum was exhausted he was past the blowhole in its jaws, a third of has body already swallowed.

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Behind each of his dark eyes there was a white patch on his skin, atop of his rounded forehead there was a small blowhole. a large black fin protruded from his back.

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Vixen's Invitation, Part 2

A blowhole opened in the grubby layers of off-white goop, venting a thick plume of sulphurous steam, and i began to feel something covering up my head, as i watched the demon dance about, shedding his fur over damien, and cumming ropes that merged with the

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The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 5-Stormalong Harbor,2009

_ then a boy in a sailor's outfit almost like his popped out of the blowhole and looked at him. "are you an adventurer?" "well, partly yes." \*gasps\* "wow, a real adventurer! i need to show captain k'nuckles this. wait...

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