Chapter Six The Battle Begins

One patrol party was made up of seven arleigh burke class destroyers, five ticonderoga class cruisers, and four aoe 6 supply class fast support ships. they searched for any sign of an invasion force coming towards the coast forty-five miles out.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Two

They were like burke and murray but with badges. "welcome to your new accomodations, furlong, " lyman said. chance remembered putting numerous perps in here, himself, back when he and jake were still just walking the beat.

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HM-10 Hazardous Panic

If you need anything just call on her," the general finished the introductions and led henri burke into his office.

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Tropical Revised - Chapter Four

Many other names were added; gene burk, theorized intelligent life on canidera and fellorian, and nina gfoeller who invented the first artificial gravity systems and also gillian llorens who made the actual discovery of intelligent life on other planets.

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Epicenter: Day 2 Part 2

"oh, burke, where are you?" martin then saw kaiden coming closer to the edge of the platform. "hey, careful. you know about the third rail?" kaiden haven't leaped down, he glanced back at martin, "yeah, i know."

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burke mentioned that we'd be doing the shoot next thursday. i told him that tuesday or wednesday would be a better idea but it sounds like it's scheduled already." paul nodded. "that's the day mr.

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The End of the SWAT Kats! Part Eleven

Meanwhile, burke and murray toured the talk show circuit bragging about how they'd always known their friends furlong and clawson were the swat kats, insisting that the enforcers' new program headed by the two former vigilantes was all their idea and that

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James and the Giant Beach - Chapter 2

"burk!" he sighed, bulky (for a mink) chest heaving. "it's just a fancy, sweetie, you know that.

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Code Oblivion: Rebellion (reboot): Chapter 8

Loni and major burke were sitting at the table waiting patiently for flint to finish. the smell of bacon made the young wolf's stomach growl and his mouth water.

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You've Got Mail

Paul sighed, "i bet aimes and burke are loving that." "not really... mr howe is the one that secured the contract... showed em both up." ray laughed. "i thought he was just a silent partner."

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Plans Coming Together

"it is good to see you smiling, instead of yelling at burke-sensei.""meh, the old goat can take it," the liger replied as she walked not far behind the two toward the kitchen. "he made sisy cry, so he's lucky i'm the one that got to him first."

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The Voyage 11

Navy reserve just spent a deployment on an arleigh burke class destroyer as the commanding officer saw the look in the vixen eyes. he knew that look of his fellow officers who commanded surface commands.

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