An Argonian and his Beginning

He gained the robes when he infiltrated thalmor embassy, and gained the set. he was now at the top of stairs, and he saw his destination, a word wall. he then saw what he loved the dragon waking up and starting to fly.

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The Peoples of Algol - Book I: Dual Initiation (Chpt 1&2)

"please, follow me into the embassy." the embassy had a clinical, yet friendly appearance, with transparent walls and doors and multiple potted plants.

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Fugitive's Trust Chapter 5 Part 1 of 2

There'd once been a vykati embassy there, but like most diplomatic edifices in that country, it'd been abandoned shortly after the battle of altaza. farnsbeck took a moment to dust himself off.

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Gryphon's keep

And we will need to make the embassy habitable again. we need it. i shall send a delegation after you for that. but first, im going to have to work off some anger" * * * it was hours later. at least i think so.

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Weapon – Petals unfurled

"you will pull all troops out of the middle east at once, i want all embassies emptied, don't bother destroying any documents or equipment, just leave it on the ground. just.... get our soldiers out of there."

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Astro and the Buried Boner: part 9

Number one that the story of kamal koshoggi leaving the saudi embassy alive is complete bull shit and another that the story of him going to the embassy to talk about his fiance is equally bull shit.

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Vivat Draco

A look down the chamber told him that the embassy would not leave nearly in time.

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Home of our embassy in the egypt sector of the mcn and the historical location of many attacks made by extremists.

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Rust Belt Tails: Different Strings

embassy and they will help you become a dual citizen if you can pass a french literary test and know some of our history", tarik spoke to the wolf, a tortured soul who thought to himself 'what have i gotten myself into?'

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CICS- Modern Info (tentative)

Attempts to establish an embassy here have failed, as the king insists on keeping his land free of decadent foreign influence. the dakota plains.- this large swath of land on the eastern border was set aside for the myriad of feral peoples.

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Rangertale, Ch.7: The Samnic Council

We have no embassy with uricht to begin with! why would an attack on a military town concern us?" the councilor of zanus seemed to take offense to such a small state talking back to him.

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Issues - Part 1

He goes out of the car and into an embassy suites, up the elevator and into his room. he shuts the door. the shadow of a husky woman can be seen from the window. jeremy [upper midwest accent]: oh gosh, i'm sorry husky: no, you got the right room.

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