Guided from the Closet. Part 1

Behind us the door closed and he guided me to the couch sitting me down and pulling on the fan light. "hungry? i have some left over pizza in the fridge."

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A lusty stallion's guide to scoring in 'Football'

Although the college was renowned for hard tests and professors, it could not compare to the hardness of two student bodies named Kirk and Devin. Of appaloosa stock, Kirk looked like he had been rained on by a dirty chimney. He had the easy and...

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The Beginner's Guide to RPing - Introduction and Basics!

#1 of the beginner's guide to rping a very basic guide and how-to for roleplaying. though this is intended to be for erotic rps mostly (we all know what we come here for) the principles should apply to any type of roleplay.

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A Practical Guide to the Art; Part 1

"It takes patience. Control. Self-discipline. Practice. Not a single thing out of place. Like a piece of music. Only if you get it wrong, the consequences are much more dire." He had heard words like it thousands of times before, each time in his...

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The Life of Another Reference Guide - Talent

Without the safe opportunity to test possibilities and a resource to guide them a person might spend a lifetime avoiding sexual thoughts for fear of starting another fire when really it was the focused intent that the situation brought to the fore.

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The Guiding Hand (A1, B10, C11)

I would like to guide him through their problems. rama's father has proven to be an incredibly useful ally in the past." "i'm listening." "we may have use for rufus.

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The Life of Another - Reference Guide - Talent

The life of another - reference guide - talent © jake atkinson special talents come from the ability to tap into a force, an energy, that is part of the universe presented here. normal people can't sense it but deviants with the talent can.

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The Tale of Tecwyn, Ch4 - To seek a guide

To that end, he had a good tip where to find a guide... walking the roads once more, tecwyn set his sights to the nearby mining town orfe.

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"Your Tour Guide" - Story by Kaz

Though if you need a tour guide i guess i can show you around since i don't have any plans!" he bit his lip as he was jerked, his paw darting out to cup kuro's crotch, eyes going a bit wide at the huge bulge in those shorts.

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Beneath A Star Shattered Sky: Pronunciation Guide

Please refer to this guide for additional updates as the story progresses. thank you!

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The Christian Girl's Guide to Demonic Sexual Indulgence

It was tiring, difficult work, but more manageable with levna either on her shoulder or directly controlling her body to guide her. somewhere along the way her pants went missing.

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Wolfpack Core - Chapter 5 - Guiding Light

#5 of wolfpack core title inspired by: [renard - guiding light]( [from the sensorium album.

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