Clara dans le Métro

_nice going, clara, kid probably was real hyped for that. didn't have to shoot him down **that** hard._ "but, if you're just down to fuck, i'm game." she added, extending her form of an olive branch. the coyote blinked owlishly. "what?" clara nodded.

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Dancing With Fire - Chapter 4

Harper," blitzø chirped in earnest, "you are an absolute gentleman, and we are hyped to kill for you again." he got up and rounded his desk to shake harper's hand perhaps a little too vigorously. "likewise, mr. blitzø," said harper.

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A Quickie

I have been hyping michael and our first date up for a while now and well, it wouldn't do him any justice. if i can be completely honest he would of been great to date and maybe even more.

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Burdens - Chapter 129: Ebb

The hype about his surgery was long gone, as was the cast. there were signatures of several of his classmates, and much to his relief, nothing else.

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Traveling Salesman Chap 4

Came the reply instantly from the hyped up studs. "alright!" charn laughed, doubling the wire up and quickly braiding it into a single strand. positioning them back to back about three feet apart.

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hyped up my current." "god," she pressed, "or the devil?" she met his eyes in the dark. barely audible, he replied, "i can never be sure." she started nibbling gently on his ears. his breathing increased.

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Police Brutality

He was still hyped from training. there was a lot of adrenaline in his job and it was still pumping through him. he unbuckled his sidearm, a standard police issue nine millimeter pistol and placed it carefully in the pistol gunsafe in the closet.

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Raiyev Part 2

"so what exactly is this thing that is causing so much hype?" "you mean no one has told you yet?" she replied in surprise. "i just got here with brad. patterson--" "doctor patterson," she interjected. "yes, dr.


Super Happy Fun Time!

A very unhappy looking dragon stomps out from stage left, to the rabid cheers of the hyped up and possibly drugged studio audience.

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Schellion Run: Summary Teaser

Andy was, at first, skeptical, thinking the show to be some kind of hyped-up farce, aimed at attracting the business of naive patrons. but as his eyes adjusted to the creature, he realized he couldn't have been more wrong. this was no farce.

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Window Shopping [Sock TF Story Part 1]

He hyped himself up and entered behind the canine, looming over him. it took a moment for ember to realize the situation before turning around, looking up at the dobull. "er.. door doesn't seem to be uh.. broken sir."

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A Good Friend

Kate is hot, but i never understood the hype. she's not exactly on par with tiffany hart." "tiffany hart?" "do you know destiny warriors?" "no. sounds kinda lame." "it is pretty heavily dorky, but you have _got_to see tiffany hart.

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