A Mental Release that Tears Space-Time

She instantly put her forehead to iris's, "share!" iris shook her head. "damn it share you pain with me, i need to know!" iris reluctantly gave in, and at that moment julyna knew everything, and started to cry herself.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 63

He noticed a gulp stretching iris' throat, he spotted the emptiness of her eyes, the prism that hid the tormented, attention stealing girl was no longer there. iris, true iris was looking at him in all of her faded glory.

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The Treetop Inn - Chapter 7

iris took hold of the now rather gravid dragoness and helped her up onto her feet. smokey's legs were mightily shaky, relying almost entirely on iris for support.

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iris picked up on this and offered him an idea and liked it. so iris took julyna and had her sit on the edge of the bed, and she sat behind her and cuddled with her.

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Life As It Is Ch.11

iris brought his head to meet eyes with mine and i understood his message. "iris, release!" i shouted, throwing a ball of light into the air above us.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 46

"iris, i can't-" "no mating. i just want to feel that you're there" spyro felt himself heating again. "please" she pleaded. iris pleaded.

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Moonlight-Arokha Commission

I turned back to iris, semi-relieved she hadn't passed out. "iris... iris, calm down, it's still me. listen. there are about thirty of us. we're werewolves, iris." "how... how long?" she managed to stutter. "since third grade." i answered.

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