The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 7

Shadow: "jericho..........what have you done?" to be continued.......

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Day 44 4:23PM 1/6/2023-Chapter 15-Rescue?

jericho's whines and whimpers persisted through the hours. he knew what was going on and was just as worried and scared as i was. the temperature begin to drop.

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Aux Armes

In her judgment the best jericho troops had already seen action, and been checked or defeated.

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Rebellion Chapter 6

Suddenly the front of the jericho opened and began to glow an angry red increasing till it was almost a golden glow, "all guns target that glowing area and prepare to fire!"

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The Raging Hounds III: Wildfire

jericho, though, was still jericho, but at least he was leaving vincent alone. vincent snapped the lid of the box shut, putting it carefully into his trunk amongst his other gear.

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RSH- Unity

If they get it they'll be able to find ways to kill meryl and jericho that we probably don't even know."

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Pandemic-Day 48 11:08AM 1/9/2023-Chapter 18-Engine Swap Day 2

"jericho watches porn?", abbie asked coming back down stairs. 'all guys have at some point in their lives", i said, "either because they want to, or out of curiosity or a dare." "i don't watch it", raf said.

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Tales from the Foxhole: Chapter 9

jericho blamed himself too, and we ended up hurting one another. please, don't blame yourself for this. if it's anybody's fault, it's mine for running off with jericho in the first place. i should have just..."

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Rebellion Chapter 3

On the bridge of the jericho the captain just looked at the admiral with utter disgust before leaving the bridge, he had seen some atrocities in his time but this was the straw that broke the camel's back.

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Kyle: raid

Kyle asked "i am jericho." said the one with the white coat "and this is george" "and what's your name?"

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Anxious: a poem

The walls will fall like jericho and the trumpets will awake in triumph. only for it to be replaced the next time.



They even managed to arrange a visit for jericho. oh, what a trip that was, for both of them.

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