By the Light of the Night

A warm, fuzzy butt settled onto his feet as she knelt there, hands resting lightly on his hips. "hi!" oh wow, this was one hell of a dream he was having.

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Northern Lights

"maybe we'll see the northern lights!" evening had crept down while flink was working. he could still make out the snow on the black tree branches, standing out against the sky with its crisp, bright stars.

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Bodies writhed and flowed, outfits of spectacular and garish luminescence glowing radiantly beneath the numerous black-lights settled into the dark roof, whilst trails of light flowed from the bracelets and glow-sticks of those many writhing bodies.

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Currupted Light

Shadows hidden in the light. created by currupted sight. banished from the night. with eyes that are bright as day, and heart black as coal. you shall curse the soul. spreading your festering tendrals.

Resurgance of Light

He looked up, into the blinding light. "who's there...?" he tried to demand, as he once would, instead coming out as a plea. his heart surged back to life again. was this the light, the one he had sought for so long...?

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You Are The Light

Your light you separate the trees in my path from being in my way your light still shine through that path keeping me aware of where to go i never want to reach the darkness from that light if i ever do meet the darkness all sanity that you keep


---Lightly timing...---

Tricky is a watch with hands always turning never unaware of a candle light burning to simply give reason to seconds ticking away instead of lost on thought till night turns to day the candle shows only light, & gives room, space for a dream to stride

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Darkness and Light

I grow weary of the dark, the stifling enemy that binds; i would replace with light, the light that strengthens minds. inside me lives a beast, and rages mortal war. the world in which i live, is threatened more and more.

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Hearts Light

Entities of light. why do you have so much spite, for those who live in darkness? entities of light. why is it right, for you to destroy the night? you build your cities, and fight so many.

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Night Light

A young woman, giddy with excitement, tugged a male wolf behind her, his odd colouration shimmering in what little light there was.

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It was midnight at La Push. The air was calm and still, and millions of stars lit of the sky. The moon was a quarter full and was hanging above the sky like a design stitched onto a starlit quilt. He was restless this evening, he found himself tossing...

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