raptor's delight

Amethyst was resting back at the house, recovering from the marathon mating session they had had the night before. she could go for hours, but afterwards she had to lie down and sleep for ages before she could do anything.

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Toning Up

He didn't slow down: when he got back from visiting his parents, he was going to be competing in the city marathon, and he didn't want to break into the rhythm he'd fallen into. that, and mister jacobson had always made him feel uncomfortable.

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Watch Dogs 4- Be A Man In The Watch

"well i installed sub-dermal armour in you , altered your metabolism so you could go for days without sleep and still run a marathon, but without significant damage you could live to around two hundred.

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Sheriff Sierra Wright Ref Sheet

\*\*music: country, 70's and 80s rock and pop sports: rodeo, billiards, soccer, marathon running dislikes: criminals(especially thieves), cruel/rude people, self absorbed/selfish people, bullies, various insects and spiders, pain, racists,

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(Gift)Getting In Shape.

I felt like i did a marathon by the way shawn rutted me. he helped me to my feet and helped me out of my clothes. he apologized for being rough with me. "sorry about that... i'll have these washed and cleaned the next time you come back."

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Overnight Overthinking - Coevolution 004

Time for the nightly brain marathon--tonight's multitude of topics raced through levi's mind: among them umbre, an idea for a coding project, espen, a new mechanic to add to their game, the stupid solution to the daily chess problem, espen, his esports friends

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Glitch in the Neurotic Matrix

He certainly didn't look like a marathon runner. "mr. leanderineedyourhelpdoyouknowwe'reinasimulation?

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A Weekend Together - Day One: Friday

The two started eating and sat down to enjoy their movie marathon. around halfway through the fifth movie, unleashed, after the pizza was all gone, evan slid his arm around rufus' waist and rested his head on his shoulder.

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Ebony and Ivory: Brother Lovers

Preferring to swim about rather then bulk up and body build like his holder brother, he looked like he was ready for a marathon everyday of the week.

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Jona Vastenhout joins the FBA

The social activities with his friends include skipping rocks across the lake the fastest, marathon running, and even popping wheelies on the bike the longest; the latter giving him a few scrapes and bruises when it didn't go well.

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# of Uses for a Pink Mouse pt 3 (Illustrated)

She was actually starting to miss the marathon forced orgasms, at least they were consistent.

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Feedback Loop

Now in this third time, it will show and test out lansen's physical rather than sexual prowess, to see if "he" can dish it out in those last hours of his marathon workout.

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