One small step for a dragon [chat log]

Just a chat between me and bronzewing, in which each of us play off the other's fantasies of mega-macro male dragons in a way we both can appreciate. (3:54:13 pm) sovrim terraquian: one small step for dragon. one devastating leap for mankind.

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Digimon Defenders FAQ

There are extremely powerful rookies like arcadimon (who defeated a champion, six ultimates and a mega while as an in-training) and extremely weak megas like parasimon (who could easily be killed by a fly swatter).

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The Digimon Wars Chapter 6 The Battle Begins

''think about my power when i digivolve into mega.'' this put both emperorgreymon and tailmon thinking. ''yeah. if you could withstand my attack as an ultimate just imagine your power as mega.''

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Mind Control Tales - Superheroes Edition

mega-lion let out an excited gasp as a familiar energy surged through him, reprogramming his brain, wrapping itself around his mind, locking away his free will.

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Chapter 19: Wolf's Dream

"i know i shouldn't, but i think i'm still not strong enough, even with mega evolution." she said. "then we'll keep training until you hit 50% for your normal form, because when you mega evolve it will be doubled to 100%." i said.

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Cock Milking Explaining

mega producers are 9 feet tall, basketball sizes testicles and 2 foot long cocks.


ULTRA random-ness

It was the alpha male super ultra mega chickin . sky opened his mouth to scream but was cut short when super ultra mega chickin sunk its pecker into sky's double chin.

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Digital for His Pleasure

He could feel the pulsing as it struck the back of the mega's cavity, if any human were to try this, they'd likely pass out from blood loss for a size change so dramatic.

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No Growing In The Library

* * * Copyright © [2022] by [Rain - Dragonien] All rights reserved. No portion of this written work may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. This includes,...

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Growvember Day 27

### Growvember November 27th I woke up remembering I had cuddled up to Chris last night, but no longer felt him in my arms. My eyes snapped open, starting to panic as I may have grown over him. I knew the wrong thing to do would be to start moving...

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Take Me Out of the Ballgame

The pop of the crowd was immense. Roberto Pampalones, the designated hitter for the Philadelphia Bells, had cracked a nice, juicy fastball sent right over home plate. Everyone knew it was destined to be the latest in a series of home runs in this...

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Improving Oneself

It was always a hassle for Alex to make his way through the security checkpoint. Shi had hoped that the research facility shi had found hirself in would have done something about the security guards by now, but that was so far down on anyone else's...

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