Marcia's Predicament - A Gray Muzzle story

She was face down on the bed, her sex covered in gel, a porn mag in front of her. "sorry, didn't mean to surprise you. is it 'the curse'? pretty awful sometimes....can i help?"

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Love family chapter 1

Prologue to the prologue: this story involves sexuality, pornography and personal feelings. this series has many elements that come from my real life, a lot of it is true. the names and species have been changed to protect the innocent.

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Hard Work (part one)

Given, the company only took on realistic plots, and prided itself in the fact that it did advanced hardcore porn over the pizza boy and the bored housewife.

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A New Companion

\*bzzzt\* "Another beautiful day out here in..." \*BAAAM\*. _Six O'clock, I've always hated waking up this early. Why I decided to wake up early today is beyond me though, I'm supposed to be on vacation. So that would make today Wednesday... what...

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A Day at the Studio | Chapter One -- Interview

What were you expecting in a porn studio?" giovanni chuckled. alfonze's eyes went wide, jaw dropping slightly, his cheeks turning a deep shade of pink. "oh...right.

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Root Directory

**Root Directory** "I didn't mean it!" Root squealed, "I'm sorry!" A small maintenance drone, detecting the noise, tumbled aside from Root's barrelling path through the narrow VPN connection corridor. "Sorry!" Root called again over his shoulder. A...

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Rendezvous Under the Moon

Not exactly furry or porn, just a simple fantasy romance between a werewolf and vampire.

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A Student Movie - part 1

-"that porn film you watched in class, i directed it. that horse you saw, he'll be here soon." erwan couldn't believe what he heard. his english teacher was a porn movie director. he started to understand why he took him to his place.

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I froze, somehow questioning how and why this could happen in the midst of the porn shoot. like i hadn't expected it to be a possibility that he would accidentally see my dick. i flinched as tried to put it back but he stopped me. "no!"

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Taylor's First Day at Tyler's School (#3)

Tyler suggested watching porn or playing a game, to give himself some time to regenerate his cum. taylor agreed to watching porn. the two watched porn for about 45 minutes. tyler got hard again and took that as a sign of readiness.

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When a tiger came to paradise

Hi all this is a porn story i was asked to give a go by a friend of mine. never really did a porn story, let alone a long story before, but i gave it a go.

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Starlet For The Taking: Porn Academy Chapter 3

Part of that was, of course, porn from the other side of the camera, and he recognized that porn wasn't sex. he'd even said so that night.

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