Winter Breeze Ch. 5

**edit** (nov. 5, 2014): due to continuous amounts of edits and rewrites, the whole chapter can be now accessed through google docs where i can manage from different sites to one.

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Dewey Zero-One 05: Triple Threat

In fact, years ago, i started a rewrite after recognizing that i was making a mess of things, but ran out of time during the first chapter. i still have the rewrite.

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Y always U...

Coursing casual pains, each breath sent soulful streams to my shaking hands again, shadows left me hollow once more, i had nothing left for demands pleading at heart, pride tearing apart, i ache for no ones sake, jus longing eternally to erase what is, & rewrite

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Odd Mates Redone part 1

Kind of a a/u version of my falling for a lioness series that im rewriting. this story is set after then end of falling for a lioness,were news is founded out about me living with lions.

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Rust River Valley Rail Crossing Three, Pop. 527

#45 of poetry i have never met a sad folk song that i didn't want to rewrite to be sadder. from the valley they say you are going i can see why you would.

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your choice on which story comes first

Your choice on which story i write first hey all, recently i know i haven't been doing that many stories as i have been busy rewriting 'finding your soulmate in surprising ways' as it will be going up for becoming a ebook through and smashswords


The Digimon Wars Rewrite Chapter 3

Chapter 3 Back Here Again?   Everyone wiped some sweat off of his forehead, after an hour of rest the migration should be able to keep going for a while longer. Michael was marching in the lead with Tailmon walking next to him, Tailmon had asked...

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Protector of the Planet

I will not of course rewrite the whole book with my involvement, that would take to long and be plagiarism. every warrior lives very long lives. protectors live for 50,000.

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I've been holding back on projects like the rewrite of feathers with benefits and other, larger, concepts. "i'm not ready yet." but i did it once before, didn't i? and now i know even more. "i need more practice."

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Happy Halloween

I am currently writing on chapter 23, 24 and 25 and i will rewrite the originally created epilogue for the storyline of the "nice" edition (but including the extra chapters content as a basis). if i will manage the epilogue this time, i do not know.

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Night of Dark

Again and again i read and re-read, erase and rewrite, until i find it at last satisfying.

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