Among the Desert sands

A mote of dust in among the desert sands.

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Souls of the sands cancelled

#2 of souls of the sands sorry sorry if you guys liked this series but a few things have come up, first the inspiration for volieta approached me and came out. and i myself, garret, have also become a little more secure about being gay so, yea.

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A Waste of Desert Sand

If you look at the tiles closely, you'll see they're made of sand grains, individually placed. bits of quartz for the stars--masterpiece of a lifetime for whichever artisan made it." "you don't know who?" "i don't."

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Sand, Surf, and Suckin'

Haze had spent all day at the beach, just doing what he cared to do. From just lazing around in the warmth of the sun, to treating himself to more than a few snow cones, of course he did some floating in the water, very much enjoying the contrast of...

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 3: Meow Like an Egyptian

In reality it takes immense willpower not to disappear in the sand, but to get out of the sand.

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Poem: The Wars Of Forgotten Memories

The winds fade within the sands of tomorrow, their cries becoming silent within the days of new, wishing for the new hope to be shown through the memories of new...

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Devil Beside You (Ch. 21)

#53 of child of the sands i'm gonna regret staying up this late when i work my shift tomorrow. did i say tomorrow? i mean later today. sleep beckons to me. in other news, i'd estimate maaaaaaybe 2 or 3 chapters left in book two.

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Chapter 2

He smirked as his eyes faded back to normal. "All magic stems from the soul, and I believe even your scholars, faithless as they are, have determined that the eyes are windows to the soul. It is a common side effect for magic to... 'leak' from the...

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Chapter 1

They guarded their borders with only slightly less malice than the desert itself, an ocean of sand stretching westwards that had swallowed explorers, settlers, and dignitaries alike.

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Prologue & Foreword

I threatened to re-write child of the sands into a publisher friendly young adult fantasy novel (and actually get it published!) and now, i'm here to display the early fruits of that labor.

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Chronicles of the Tetrad Chapter 4: A Hasty Fortune Telling

Like most carnivores i can eat raw meat just fine, but food preservation has been a virtue for us sand cats for as long as we've been on the earth.

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