Open House Day One

Lacyus instantly picked up a tuna salad sandwich and a greek salad, his favorites. i snagged myself a ham and cheese sandwich with potato salad. mira got a peanut butter jelly sandwich with macaroni salad.


I Dream Of Insects 2

When she opened up the sandwich, he let go of the ceiling, and dropped down. with a small splat, he landed precisely on top of the sandwich meat. due to the type of maggot he was, the meat he landed on actually smelled quite appetizing.


Breakfast at Richard's (Richard and the Fae ch8)

"don't faeries have sandwiches?" he asked, exasperated. "sandwiches are pedestrian, plebeian fare," angelmaris scoffed, though his own had magically vanished save for a few crumbs left on the plate.

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Obamon Prologue and Meal 1

Though she started with pieces hardly larger than her thumb, they grew larger with the completion of each sandwich till she was practically shoving an entire sandwich into his mouth causing the peanut butter and jelly to smear all over his face

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Lilo and stitch: stitch has an itch

She opens the door and sees a sandwich and a glass of milk she grabs the sandwich wanting to get the taste of stitch out of her mouth and takes a big bite of it, it taste a little strange to her so she opens it and sees what she thinks is mayonnaise.

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Beneath The Full Moon Chapter Two

"so bro i figured tonight we could just have some sandwiches, i want to save the good stuff for later on when we can have a cookout, plus we need to eat the sandwiches before they go bad."

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Dragon in the Dishwater, Ch 7

As he chewed, eric contemplated that his sandwich did taste different. "you do not put much on your sandwich." hiraeth offered.

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The Taur

Bobby came back with more sandwiches and handed one to his sister as well as the minotaur. "thank you... these are quite good." "ug gucka bluck!" cara complained, holding up the sandwich.

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The Taur

Bobby came back with more sandwiches and handed one to his sister as well as the minotaur. "thank you... these are quite good." "ug gucka bluck!" cara complained, holding up the sandwich.

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Chapter 3 - Drugged

She threw the sandwich down, pushed the box away and buried her face in her paws. sara's mind reeled as she tried to justify eating those sandwiches.

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Devil's Lettuce

She lifted the wrapped sandwich up and shook it. "mine is the in-between-y bread. yours is all brown." with a sigh, robert held his head in his paw. he swallowed the crust of the sandwich he was eating.

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Horror Vale - ch 2

Her attention was divided as he set his sandwich down and went into the living room. she was hungry, she wanted that sandwich. while his attention was on the book thing, she pushed herself onto her hindpaws and snatched the sandwich from the countertop.

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