
"good setup." tarc came into the room, "want me to do anything?" leda looked at ceta, who was obviously waiting for him to say something, then looked at tarc. "do whatever you want, i just want to be fucked tonight."

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Meeting One Val Salr: A Forest Encounter

When night arrived, he setup the small dome tent he'd brought in a large clearing. he tossed his knapsack inside before taking a couple of photos of the area, the noise of the camera scaring off any wildlife that remained.



I setup camp in a small restaurant across the street and plug my computer into the wifi cannon in my backpack. what do you know they've got wifi, and they secured it with wep... really? nubs.

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Circling the Bowl

Some of the things that were their bewildered jake, anthony had fun actually sitting down to see what some of the setups would be like. tyler just laughed the entire time.

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Fair's Fair

I had an idea for a story after chatting to jon sanders, but it needed a little setup first. this is that setup. "yeah, suck my fat dick, daddy-o..."

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Daddy's Little Holiday Party: Everett

"one for you," he said to jafari, plopping one on a table that had been setup for people to eat. most of the workstations had been pushed to the side to allow more space.

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Forgotten - Chapter 2: Contact

With setups like the ones shown in various sci-fi movies and shows at the turn of the century (2000 a.d) firmly implanted in the dreams of generation after generation, it's little surprise that the first few generations of ships reflected the setups that had

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 75

Something about this whole setup was just _wrong_. but what? was it the things dorin had said? about them being blocked off on three sides? about the foxes having the high ground? about them being at an extreme disadvantage? no.

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Day 1: Different start

Now rise from your tables and follow me and my performers" he made a sign to the performers and as he walked past the first encountered human made tunnel they both broke the setup and followed him.

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The Ayr'een Summary

Genitalia for both are mammalian, but males have an internal setup, appearing as a simple vertical slit below their lower bellies while unaroused.the ayr'een races most notable feature is their mind link.

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Day 5: tatics switch and suit progress

On top of that he can montior hirself and setup times for masturbation and suit pleasure. in a strange twist, kross somehow made it usb and sd compatible, which is handy. on a private note, hansen and i talked last night.

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A day at the Hotel

They just need someplace to setup and we're good to go," david added. "_perfect. follow me to the field and you can setup.

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